Sunday, April 29, 2007
OC Updates
Just to update all on some upcoming courses/camps before/after your midyear exams.
1. NPCC Day on 7 May 2007. All to put on Full Uniform for the whole day till you complete the whole day exam papers unless you have problems with your uniform.
2. After your midyear exams, your squad has a project coming up. To set up a Crime Prevention Corner in the school library. A display is to be set up by you guys. Materials will be provided by National Crime Prevention Council and Bedok South NPC. This will count towards your Police Youth Ambassador Badge work. Deadline is before the school holidays start.
3. 1 star kayaking course on 19 and 20 May. This year, NPCC HQ is launching the new Kayaking Badge.
4. 22 May - Marksmanship Classification Shoot Test.
5. 24 May - 12 volunteers for East Zone Badminton Meet Marshal Duty. Chun Yong is appointed IC. Chun Yong to give me the names of the 12 volunteers after the exams.
6. 26 May - OBS Briefing for Chun Yong, Yongwei, Ahzri and Yock Siong at HTA.
7. 1 June - .22 Shooting Comp Prelims for the shooters identified.
8. 4-5 June - Leadership and Mentorship Skill Course at HTA for whole squad.
9. 13-14 June - Police Knowledge and Homefront Security Course at HTA for whole squad.
10. 18-22 June - OBS for Chun Yong, Yongwei, Azhri and Yock Siong.
11. 19-22 June - CSSP Camp for the 8 of you guys who have signed up. Jervin is still not confirmed.
12. Starting from the first week of June holidays, we will be selecting cadets for the 2007 Speech Day Flag Party. Basically, all Sec 3 cadets who are involved last year for 130 Parade will automatically be involved this year. The remaining will be chosen from Sec 2 Squad.
In conclusion, guys, there are a lot of things awaiting for you after your exams. Please concentrate on your exams now to do well. After the exams, you will have an exciting june holidays packed with the numerous activities. If you have holidays planned for, you will have to miss the numerous courses/camps/badges.
Finally, I will like to congratulate all those involved in NPDP for a great show put up, with much good comments by Principal Mr Low and Deputy Commissioner of Police. All the months of sweat and hardwork under the hot sun at Unity Square has paid off. It was no mean feat! I appreciate your participation and commitment put in for all trainings. I have been through such trainings as a cadet, I can understand the rigour of the trainings, under the watchful eyes of Chief Drill Instructor, SSSGT Firdous.
Thank you and Nil Sine Labore.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
No parade this week
There will be no parade this friday 27/04/2007 due to preparation for the mid-year exams.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Nemesiz News April
The NYAA Bronze Award Ceremony is on 8 May (Tue) at Singapore Polytechnic Auditorium. However 8 May is in the midst of your mid-year examinations. We have decided that SI Daniel Tan will represent you to receive your certificates and badges. We will have another badge presentation during one of the parades after your mid-year exams.
1-Star Kayaking
Your 1-Star Kayaking course is on the 19 & 20 May 2007, 1000-1700 at Changi PA Sea Sports Club. Pls get your course application/consent forms & Edusave forms from Chun Yong asap. To be completed and submitted to Chun Yong on 27 Apr 07 (deadline for submission to PASSC). As this course counts towards your Physical Recreation module, it is compulsory for all NYAA Silver participants.
SCAS Toy Library Service Project
Service Com members (or anyone interested to contribute to this project) to meet on Mon 23 Apr 07 1430 in 3G to discuss YES2 proposal for submission on 27 Apr. SCAS Toy Library project will start on 16 May 07.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
New Town Quiz Competition 2007

Captain : JunHan
Vice-Captain: Sakib
Member: Yiwei
Reserve: Jeremy Gafar
To the captain:
Please download the the npcc information here.
After that, do update and tidy up the information inside so that it is ready for printing.
1) Update the history of npcc
2) Update the hierachy of npcc HQ
3) Update the competitions section
4) Update the area section
You can do so after your mid years but please do it asap.
The rest of the team is oblige to help him in anyway possible.
Set a good example for your team.
Acknowledge this message by sending an SMS to 91514863
And remember to study hard both for your mid years and for the quiz. =)
Thank you,
zhan liang
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Upcoming events in Apr 07
Meet: 1430 Foyer
Duration: 1500-1600
Who: Silver participants, Service Exco members, Pasir Ris/Tampines residents
13 AND 20 Apr 07: Revolver Dry Practise
Meet: 1400 Foyer
Duration 1500-1700
Attire: School Uniform
Saturday, April 07, 2007
“Youths Embrace Social Services!” (“YES2”)
We will tie-in our service project with this programme. Pls read this carefully:

More details are found here:

We will set up 3 teams for each sections. All 19 of you will be grouped under 1 of these 3 sections. There will be a EXCO of 4 members for each section responsible doing up the project proposal, applying for the grant, completing the reports, attending the seminars & doing ALL the admin & finance paperwork.
As discussed with you previously, those not in the EXCO are spared the admin paper work but will serve their share of CIP time to fulfil the NYAA Silver requirements. Naturally, it is the 4 EXCO members of the 3 committees who will get the NYC/NCSS credit should their project be selected. The rest will get the credit as per NYAA Silver requisites.
As for who is going to be in what. I should this decision to be an exercise in initiative. If you are keen to do EXCO work, volunteer yourself. State the sections (ie. Fundraising, Volunteering or Public Outreach) you wish to be in under the comments to this post or email me. You have until 12 Apr to decide. After which I will appoint. Either way, you have to be in something somewhere. Make your involvement count!
Documents to download:
- "YES 2" Application Form
- YCM Application Form
- All the information you need on "YES 2"
- All the information you need on YCM
- "YES 2" Project report template
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
NYAA (Bronze) Recipients
These cadets will be receiving the NYAA (Bronze) Award!
1. Aslam Shah Bin Iskhandar Shah (b103863)
2. Chin Jun Han (b103874)
3. Samuel Chow Hao Wen (b103862)
4. Ibnu Abbas Bin Abdul Ghani (b103878)
5. Jeremy Ibrahim Bin Abdul Gafar (b103867)
6. Jethwa Tarang Prakash (b103871)
7. Lim Yongwei (b103865)
8. Muhammad Azhri Bin Mohamed Shukor (b103859)
9. Pang Yi Wei (b103870)
10. Poh Zhi Yang (b103880)
11. Sakib Bin Farooque Rahmat Ullah (b103864)
12. Jervin Seow Chen Hern (s103873)
13. Seow Chun Yong (b103866)
14. Jonathan Song Wen Yang (b103877)
15. Jonathan Tan Koon Ngee (b103875)
16. Tang Jian Hong Nico (b103876)
17. Teo Yock Siong (b103868)
18. Yong Walter (b103879)
19. Yong Chang Wei Andy (b103861)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Service Recce to SCAS
We will visit the Spastic Children's Association at Cerebral Palsy Centre in Pasir Ris on 11 April 07. Meet 1430 at school foyer. Should end by 1630.
1. Meet staff, children of SCAS
2. Survey needs of children
3. Survey requirements of Toy Library
Monday, April 02, 2007
NPDP Training
You are required to attend NPDP Training at Home Team Academy (HTA) this Thursday, 5 April 2007. You will be excused from Sports Day which is taking place on the mentioned date.
Attire: Half Number 3 Uniform
Meeting place: Victoria School Foyer
Time to fall-in by: 2:00pm