Overall Leader/ Artist
- To oversee the progress of the 3 groups of individuals
- To check for mistakes and coordinate styles of the 3 groups
Group Leaders
- To receive and ClEaRlY follow instructions from Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2)
- To convey and EnSuRe that team members are proficient in their assigned tasks
- To report performance of the day
Group Members
- To StRiCtLy follow all tasks given by their leaders and the artist
- To give constructive comments about the project during the project itself OnLy
List of Equipment
1. Newspaper (Lots of it!!)
- Always bring more than enough
- Tape all newspapers down with masking take of plastic tape
- Always dispose of Used newspapers at the end of the day
2. Painting Equipment (Rollers, paintbrushes, paint containers for rollers etc.)
- Of Good condition and quality so not as to disrupt painting time
- Wash painting equipment before using a paint of a different colour
- Bring Containers for water
- Do NOT paint anything but wall
3. White Paint
- Sufficient (at least 2 large buckets of paint the size of those found at the D.I.Y. Shop or any volume similar)
- Paint EVENLY on the wall (use as little of paint as possible to paint and not too much paint at a time)
- Used ONLY for correction by Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2) after the White-Wash
- Never waste paint
4. Coloured Paints
- Use sparingly (in scarse amounts)
- Paint EVENLY on wall
- FOLLOW Colour Coding on walls
- Never waste paint
5. Rags/ Cloths
- Each person to bring AT LEAST 1
- Everyone to participate in cleaning up at the end of the day
Procedure of painting
1. Clear ALL obstacles
2. Lie and tape ALL areas of painting with newspaper and tape
- 2 layers MINIMUM
3a. White-Wash (paint background White)
- Tools: Rollers (2 to 3 per group)
Paintbrushes (2 to 3 per group)
- Sizes: Averagely Large
- White Paint (2 buckets)
- Size: bigger than what we had for banner painting last year
3b. (i) Preparation of sketches and proportion (Artist)
- Tools: Measuring equipment (Rulers etc.)
Yellow dustless chalk (or of any light colour)
(ii) Actual Sketching (Occuring) (Groups)
- Discussion of what colours to use
- Distribution of work
- Preparation of colouring equipment and paint (ONLY if time permits)
4. Painting
- Paint EVENLY on the walls
- Stick within the borders drawn on the wall
- Artist to redraw worn sketches occasionally
5. Finish
- Touch up and correction of mistakes
- Use cloths and rags to clean the room
- Discuss about next step (always last!)
- To oversee the progress of the 3 groups of individuals
- To check for mistakes and coordinate styles of the 3 groups
Group Leaders
- To receive and ClEaRlY follow instructions from Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2)
- To convey and EnSuRe that team members are proficient in their assigned tasks
- To report performance of the day
Group Members
- To StRiCtLy follow all tasks given by their leaders and the artist
- To give constructive comments about the project during the project itself OnLy
List of Equipment
1. Newspaper (Lots of it!!)
- Always bring more than enough
- Tape all newspapers down with masking take of plastic tape
- Always dispose of Used newspapers at the end of the day
2. Painting Equipment (Rollers, paintbrushes, paint containers for rollers etc.)
- Of Good condition and quality so not as to disrupt painting time
- Wash painting equipment before using a paint of a different colour
- Bring Containers for water
- Do NOT paint anything but wall
3. White Paint
- Sufficient (at least 2 large buckets of paint the size of those found at the D.I.Y. Shop or any volume similar)
- Paint EVENLY on the wall (use as little of paint as possible to paint and not too much paint at a time)
- Used ONLY for correction by Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2) after the White-Wash
- Never waste paint
4. Coloured Paints
- Use sparingly (in scarse amounts)
- Paint EVENLY on wall
- FOLLOW Colour Coding on walls
- Never waste paint
5. Rags/ Cloths
- Each person to bring AT LEAST 1
- Everyone to participate in cleaning up at the end of the day
Procedure of painting
1. Clear ALL obstacles
2. Lie and tape ALL areas of painting with newspaper and tape
- 2 layers MINIMUM
3a. White-Wash (paint background White)
- Tools: Rollers (2 to 3 per group)
Paintbrushes (2 to 3 per group)
- Sizes: Averagely Large
- White Paint (2 buckets)
- Size: bigger than what we had for banner painting last year
3b. (i) Preparation of sketches and proportion (Artist)
- Tools: Measuring equipment (Rulers etc.)
Yellow dustless chalk (or of any light colour)
(ii) Actual Sketching (Occuring) (Groups)
- Discussion of what colours to use
- Distribution of work
- Preparation of colouring equipment and paint (ONLY if time permits)
4. Painting
- Paint EVENLY on the walls
- Stick within the borders drawn on the wall
- Artist to redraw worn sketches occasionally
5. Finish
- Touch up and correction of mistakes
- Use cloths and rags to clean the room
- Discuss about next step (always last!)
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