
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

NYAA service

14 November
Hrs completed: 10 hrs
Participants: Andy, Jeremy, Yongwei

We reached scas at around 9. The sec 2s were already continuing their painting of the wall in the toy library. There was nothing much left to do as they have almost completed their job on the wall, and were supposed to start on a seprate painting on the door. However, due to the absence of their artist, they were unable to start on their proposed plan as the sketching of the painting on the door has not yet been done. So, we decided to continue with the painting on the wall instead, touching up on the relevant parts and completing the undone ones. We completed the bunnies (ours still look nicer, lizhi u rock!:) and repainted the tree with a fresher coat. Overall, the painting looked fresher and and more vibrant than when we first saw it (though the bees still look lik apples -.-). However, the sec 2s did not cover the place well enough with newspaper, and forgot to line some around the control box. Therefore they had a real chore trying to get rid of the paint marks on the floor and on the control box. after much scrubbing they managed to make the marks fade a little, but now the floor was stained black due to the carbon from the newspaper. They than decided to use some water to try and get rid of the stains when thinner failed to remove them. It a certain extent. We will try to clean up some more the next time round, lest the teacher comes around and chide us again :x

So thats it we have completed the painting on the wall and are awaiting the time to start on the door.

p.s: call more sec 2s to go and help for the next session

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