Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Campcraft Training 21/12/2007
Please take note that there will be campcraft training this Friday for all campcraft team members. There will not be a parade so all those not in the campcraft team do not need to come. The training will start at 0800h. Attire is PT Kit. All those in the campcraft team who are unable to attend are to provide a valid MC.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Banner Painting
Venue: Victoria School
Date: 17 to 19 December 2007
Time: 0800-1600
Attire: VS PT Kit
Fall in outside np room by 0800. Those who do not attend this activity will have to provide a MC. Lunch WILL NOT be provided so bring along some money for your lunch.
Date: 17 to 19 December 2007
Time: 0800-1600
Attire: VS PT Kit
Fall in outside np room by 0800. Those who do not attend this activity will have to provide a MC. Lunch WILL NOT be provided so bring along some money for your lunch.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
NYAA Campcraft
7 December 2007
Hours Completed: 4hrs
Participants: Jeremy, Yi Wei, Yongwei, Andy, Jun Han, Yi An, Azhri
Today, we continued practicing our flagstaff. First we did some PT to make ourselves stronger so that we can be more efficent in tying the flagstaff, we did a few pull ups, and some log lifting.
Then we proceeded to tying the flagstaff, first, we practiced on the speed in which we tied the round lash. Then we did some pegging, we practiced how to aim the peg towards the center and how to adjust the angle of the peg. After about one hour of pegging, we stopped and went to tie round lash. Then we were taught how to tie the clove hitch on the poles.
After that we went to pitch the flagstaff, after i/2 and hour of effort, we managed to pitch up one.
After that we proceeded to the SOC area and id some exercises to further train our muscles. We did some pull ups and push ups.
Hours Completed: 4hrs
Participants: Jeremy, Yi Wei, Yongwei, Andy, Jun Han, Yi An, Azhri
Today, we continued practicing our flagstaff. First we did some PT to make ourselves stronger so that we can be more efficent in tying the flagstaff, we did a few pull ups, and some log lifting.
Then we proceeded to tying the flagstaff, first, we practiced on the speed in which we tied the round lash. Then we did some pegging, we practiced how to aim the peg towards the center and how to adjust the angle of the peg. After about one hour of pegging, we stopped and went to tie round lash. Then we were taught how to tie the clove hitch on the poles.
After that we went to pitch the flagstaff, after i/2 and hour of effort, we managed to pitch up one.
After that we proceeded to the SOC area and id some exercises to further train our muscles. We did some pull ups and push ups.
NYAA campcraft
6 December 2007
Hours Completed: 4hrs
Participants: Jeremy, Yi Wei, Azhri, Andy, Jun Han
Today, to prepare for the campcraft competition, we practiced tying the round lash for the flagstaff, and we corrected our previous mistakes when we tied the flagstaff with the help from our CI.
We also improved the quality of our lash, by increasing the tension in the lash, so that the knot would be more firm and can hold for a longer period of time.
After tying for 4hrs, we managed to attain a faster timing of 2.34 minutes.
Hours Completed: 4hrs
Participants: Jeremy, Yi Wei, Azhri, Andy, Jun Han
Today, to prepare for the campcraft competition, we practiced tying the round lash for the flagstaff, and we corrected our previous mistakes when we tied the flagstaff with the help from our CI.
We also improved the quality of our lash, by increasing the tension in the lash, so that the knot would be more firm and can hold for a longer period of time.
After tying for 4hrs, we managed to attain a faster timing of 2.34 minutes.
NYAA Campcraft
3rd December 2007
Hours completed: 4hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Azhri
In preparation for the upcoming campcraft competion in February next year, this campcraft training was orgainised. In the competition, 9 people are required to pitch a shelter, a gadget and a flagstaff.
First we were briefed on the information about the competion regarding the materials and the time we had. Then we were told that the sec 3s, us would be doing the flagstaff. So we gathered our materials and went to practise. We had decided to practice the tying of the round lash to tie 2 poles together.
We took 2 3m poles and 2 3.5m manila ham. Then we started tying, with our CI to time us. We practiced throughout the whole session, as we received tips from our CI and we managed to reach a timing of 2.38 mins to tie both poles together.
Hours completed: 4hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Azhri
In preparation for the upcoming campcraft competion in February next year, this campcraft training was orgainised. In the competition, 9 people are required to pitch a shelter, a gadget and a flagstaff.
First we were briefed on the information about the competion regarding the materials and the time we had. Then we were told that the sec 3s, us would be doing the flagstaff. So we gathered our materials and went to practise. We had decided to practice the tying of the round lash to tie 2 poles together.
We took 2 3m poles and 2 3.5m manila ham. Then we started tying, with our CI to time us. We practiced throughout the whole session, as we received tips from our CI and we managed to reach a timing of 2.38 mins to tie both poles together.
Budget for UTC
For the Camp Chief, Deputy Camp Chief and Organising Comm of UTC,
Budget for UTC
Food Ration (no fruit bars) = $370.00
Firewood = $130.00
Total maximum budget for UTC = $600.00
Camp Chief, Deputy Camp Chief and Organising Comm to strictly adhere to the budget for each component.
Budget for UTC
Food Ration (no fruit bars) = $370.00
Firewood = $130.00
Total maximum budget for UTC = $600.00
Camp Chief, Deputy Camp Chief and Organising Comm to strictly adhere to the budget for each component.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
VJC ODAC Adopt-A-Tree Project
If you still remember that you paid for a Adopt-A-Tree Project earlier in October, the tree has been successfully planted now!
It is still a sapling but it will grow into a large tree years from now.
Who knows, you might even do a Overseas CIP trip there at the end of sec 4 and see your tree
Thanks alot for your help anyway!
More details on the project can be found at
CI Zhan Liang
If you still remember that you paid for a Adopt-A-Tree Project earlier in October, the tree has been successfully planted now!
It is still a sapling but it will grow into a large tree years from now.
Who knows, you might even do a Overseas CIP trip there at the end of sec 4 and see your tree
Thanks alot for your help anyway!
More details on the project can be found at
CI Zhan Liang
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Submission Of NYAA Silver
1)You have attended either Sec3 camp, CSSP camp, OBS, or ATC
2)You have done both 1 star and 2 star kayaking course or have 30 hrs of kayaking sessions
3)You have done your service at SCAS for more than 30 hrs
4)You have been attending parade regularly and so you have attended most of the campcraft sessions.
PLEASE fill up your NYAA diary and fill in your personal particulars in both the diary and record book, hand both books to me, I will submit all to Mr Khoo.
For the rest, please quickly complete the items mentioned above and submit your booklets ASAP.
1)You have attended either Sec3 camp, CSSP camp, OBS, or ATC
2)You have done both 1 star and 2 star kayaking course or have 30 hrs of kayaking sessions
3)You have done your service at SCAS for more than 30 hrs
4)You have been attending parade regularly and so you have attended most of the campcraft sessions.
PLEASE fill up your NYAA diary and fill in your personal particulars in both the diary and record book, hand both books to me, I will submit all to Mr Khoo.
For the rest, please quickly complete the items mentioned above and submit your booklets ASAP.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
NYAA service
29 October 2007
Hrs completed: 4 hrs
Participants: Jervin, Jeremy, Yongwei, Azhri, Andy
Today we went to scas to teach the scouts there how to read a topo map. Firstly, sir Zhan Liang showed them a topo map of Singapore and he explained to them the features of a topo map and how to use it. He also taught them how to use the compass. After that we had a short game of orienteering on the third floor. After orienteering, we had a sing-along session. We sang songs like yesterday, chan mali chan, adiji and flea fly. At the end of the last session with them, their teacher presented sir Zhan Liang a small vase as a token of appreciation.
P.S. sorry for the late post.
Hrs completed: 4 hrs
Participants: Jervin, Jeremy, Yongwei, Azhri, Andy
Today we went to scas to teach the scouts there how to read a topo map. Firstly, sir Zhan Liang showed them a topo map of Singapore and he explained to them the features of a topo map and how to use it. He also taught them how to use the compass. After that we had a short game of orienteering on the third floor. After orienteering, we had a sing-along session. We sang songs like yesterday, chan mali chan, adiji and flea fly. At the end of the last session with them, their teacher presented sir Zhan Liang a small vase as a token of appreciation.
P.S. sorry for the late post.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
NYAA service
13 November 2007
Hours Completed: 4hrs (1st shift)
Participants: Yiwei, Jeremy
The purpose of today's visit was to continue our painting work at the SCAS toy library, we aimed to finish the painting of the first wall which the sec 2s were asked to paint. During the previous session, we could not finish painting the wall because we had no yellow paint.
This session was very similar to the previous one. After getting the brushes and the paint ready, we started painting. With some people helping to wash brushes while the others concentrated on painting the wall. We also had to spend some time mixing paint, such as the mixing of blue and green to get a suitable shade of green the paint the tree leaves. By lunch, most of the wall have been painted except for the parts with the tree branches and tree trunk. This parts could not be painted as we did not have brown paint, so, at around 11pm, 4 of us went to Elias Mall to have lunch and at the same time buy brown paint.
After returning to the library, we stayed a while longer before leaving the painting in the hands of the second shift.
PS I brought the paints all the way from school!!!! Not easy!!!
Hours Completed: 4hrs (1st shift)
Participants: Yiwei, Jeremy
The purpose of today's visit was to continue our painting work at the SCAS toy library, we aimed to finish the painting of the first wall which the sec 2s were asked to paint. During the previous session, we could not finish painting the wall because we had no yellow paint.
This session was very similar to the previous one. After getting the brushes and the paint ready, we started painting. With some people helping to wash brushes while the others concentrated on painting the wall. We also had to spend some time mixing paint, such as the mixing of blue and green to get a suitable shade of green the paint the tree leaves. By lunch, most of the wall have been painted except for the parts with the tree branches and tree trunk. This parts could not be painted as we did not have brown paint, so, at around 11pm, 4 of us went to Elias Mall to have lunch and at the same time buy brown paint.
After returning to the library, we stayed a while longer before leaving the painting in the hands of the second shift.
PS I brought the paints all the way from school!!!! Not easy!!!
NYAA service
14 November
Hrs completed: 10 hrs
Participants: Andy, Jeremy, Yongwei
We reached scas at around 9. The sec 2s were already continuing their painting of the wall in the toy library. There was nothing much left to do as they have almost completed their job on the wall, and were supposed to start on a seprate painting on the door. However, due to the absence of their artist, they were unable to start on their proposed plan as the sketching of the painting on the door has not yet been done. So, we decided to continue with the painting on the wall instead, touching up on the relevant parts and completing the undone ones. We completed the bunnies (ours still look nicer, lizhi u rock!:) and repainted the tree with a fresher coat. Overall, the painting looked fresher and and more vibrant than when we first saw it (though the bees still look lik apples -.-). However, the sec 2s did not cover the place well enough with newspaper, and forgot to line some around the control box. Therefore they had a real chore trying to get rid of the paint marks on the floor and on the control box. after much scrubbing they managed to make the marks fade a little, but now the floor was stained black due to the carbon from the newspaper. They than decided to use some water to try and get rid of the stains when thinner failed to remove them. It a certain extent. We will try to clean up some more the next time round, lest the teacher comes around and chide us again :x
So thats it we have completed the painting on the wall and are awaiting the time to start on the door.
p.s: call more sec 2s to go and help for the next session
Hrs completed: 10 hrs
Participants: Andy, Jeremy, Yongwei
We reached scas at around 9. The sec 2s were already continuing their painting of the wall in the toy library. There was nothing much left to do as they have almost completed their job on the wall, and were supposed to start on a seprate painting on the door. However, due to the absence of their artist, they were unable to start on their proposed plan as the sketching of the painting on the door has not yet been done. So, we decided to continue with the painting on the wall instead, touching up on the relevant parts and completing the undone ones. We completed the bunnies (ours still look nicer, lizhi u rock!:) and repainted the tree with a fresher coat. Overall, the painting looked fresher and and more vibrant than when we first saw it (though the bees still look lik apples -.-). However, the sec 2s did not cover the place well enough with newspaper, and forgot to line some around the control box. Therefore they had a real chore trying to get rid of the paint marks on the floor and on the control box. after much scrubbing they managed to make the marks fade a little, but now the floor was stained black due to the carbon from the newspaper. They than decided to use some water to try and get rid of the stains when thinner failed to remove them. It a certain extent. We will try to clean up some more the next time round, lest the teacher comes around and chide us again :x
So thats it we have completed the painting on the wall and are awaiting the time to start on the door.
p.s: call more sec 2s to go and help for the next session
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
VSNPCC Magazine
The following people are to do a magazine article of approximatly 1 page, font size 14 about their respective NPCC events:
1. Jervin - NPDP
2. Tarang - CSSP Camp
3. Jonathan - Zhenghua Speed Climb Comp
4. Yock Siong - .22 Shooting Comp
5. Azhri - Outward Bound Singapore
6. Yi Wei - Police Youth Ambassodor
Please send all completed articles to by 1 December 2007. Thank You.
P.S. UTC Campfire will no longer include other schools.
1. Jervin - NPDP
2. Tarang - CSSP Camp
3. Jonathan - Zhenghua Speed Climb Comp
4. Yock Siong - .22 Shooting Comp
5. Azhri - Outward Bound Singapore
6. Yi Wei - Police Youth Ambassodor
Please send all completed articles to by 1 December 2007. Thank You.
P.S. UTC Campfire will no longer include other schools.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Road Safety Park
All Cadets' uniform are to be in TIP TOP condition and Boots are to be polished SHINE. Deputy Commissioner of Police and Commandant will be at Road Safety Park on Friday. All cadets must be in their SMARTEST full-uniform and have a NEAT HAIRCUT. Thank You.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Community Involvement Program at KC
CI Zhan Liang needs 10 Sec 3s to go to KC on the 12 November, 1230 to 1530, for a Community Involvement Program. All those who are able to go please tell me (SMS to 94290922).
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
NYAA service
6 November 2007
Hours Completed: 5hr (2nd Shift)
Participants: Jun Han
After Yi Wei went home, after lunch, I went back to SCAS to supervise and help out the Sec 2s. The Sec 2s continued with the painting of the wall. We painted the black stripes and the eyes of the bee first as the yellow paint still did not arrive. We also touched up on the painting we had done in the first shift (some of the paint are dripping...). As the yellow paint did not arrive at all, the wall was not completed as scheduled. We then cleaned up the place and washed the brushes that we used. We returned the brushes we borrowed earlier to the Vice Principle of the SCAS and she locked the Toy Library. The buckets of paint that we used are brought home by some of the Sec 2s.
P.S. The Sec2s will continue to paint the wall and the door in the Toy Library next Wednesday, 14th November. Those Sec 3s who want to complete their NYAA Silver and do not have enough hours please go to supervise and help out the Sec 2s.
Hours Completed: 5hr (2nd Shift)
Participants: Jun Han
After Yi Wei went home, after lunch, I went back to SCAS to supervise and help out the Sec 2s. The Sec 2s continued with the painting of the wall. We painted the black stripes and the eyes of the bee first as the yellow paint still did not arrive. We also touched up on the painting we had done in the first shift (some of the paint are dripping...). As the yellow paint did not arrive at all, the wall was not completed as scheduled. We then cleaned up the place and washed the brushes that we used. We returned the brushes we borrowed earlier to the Vice Principle of the SCAS and she locked the Toy Library. The buckets of paint that we used are brought home by some of the Sec 2s.
P.S. The Sec2s will continue to paint the wall and the door in the Toy Library next Wednesday, 14th November. Those Sec 3s who want to complete their NYAA Silver and do not have enough hours please go to supervise and help out the Sec 2s.
NYAA service
6 November 2007
Hours Completed: 5hr (1st Shift)
Participants: Yi Wei, Jun Han
Today, we went to the Spastic Children Association School to continue painting the toy library there. In June, the sec 3s had painted 3 walls there, and now the sec 2s are helping to paint 2 more walls, the sec 3s, us, went there to supervise and help out in some of the work needed to be done. The objective of today's visit was to paint one of the walls. The first shift had to sketch the picture designed by one of the sec 2s, Quinn, and start painting.
First, the newspapers were laid up on the floor around the wall to prevent any paint from staining the floor. Then, after the sketch was done up, we started painting. The painting went quite smoothly as we painted the rabbits and the apples. However, some problem was faced when we found out that we did not have yellow or brown paint.
This was essential was we needed to paint the tree branches. In the end, we painted as much as possible before our session ended, and we left the place leaving the second shift to paint any other parts of the picture that did not require the use of brown paint.
P.S. How do you get brown without yellow? I tried green, red, black mixed together, but the closest colour I got was marroon..... the rest looked like some gray shit.
Hours Completed: 5hr (1st Shift)
Participants: Yi Wei, Jun Han
Today, we went to the Spastic Children Association School to continue painting the toy library there. In June, the sec 3s had painted 3 walls there, and now the sec 2s are helping to paint 2 more walls, the sec 3s, us, went there to supervise and help out in some of the work needed to be done. The objective of today's visit was to paint one of the walls. The first shift had to sketch the picture designed by one of the sec 2s, Quinn, and start painting.
First, the newspapers were laid up on the floor around the wall to prevent any paint from staining the floor. Then, after the sketch was done up, we started painting. The painting went quite smoothly as we painted the rabbits and the apples. However, some problem was faced when we found out that we did not have yellow or brown paint.
This was essential was we needed to paint the tree branches. In the end, we painted as much as possible before our session ended, and we left the place leaving the second shift to paint any other parts of the picture that did not require the use of brown paint.
P.S. How do you get brown without yellow? I tried green, red, black mixed together, but the closest colour I got was marroon..... the rest looked like some gray shit.
Monday, November 05, 2007
1. This Friday, ALL sec3s are to go down for road marshall duty at road safety park, make sure that you all are present unless you have valid excuses.
2. This Saturday is our school's open house and sec 3s are needed to go down to help with the NPCC display and road marshall duty. So please be present
3. For the Road Marshall this saturday, there will be a briefing on wednesday at 2pm so we need some representatives to go for the briefing.
4. There is a crime prevention campaign at Vivo this saturday evening. People who are able to go please tell me (SMS or call me at 81414618). wear casual, smart attire.
2. This Saturday is our school's open house and sec 3s are needed to go down to help with the NPCC display and road marshall duty. So please be present
3. For the Road Marshall this saturday, there will be a briefing on wednesday at 2pm so we need some representatives to go for the briefing.
4. There is a crime prevention campaign at Vivo this saturday evening. People who are able to go please tell me (SMS or call me at 81414618). wear casual, smart attire.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
NYAA Service
31 October 2007
Hours Completed: 4hrs
Participants: Yi Wei
The objective of the visit to the Spastic Children Association School was to play with the children again.
However, due to our punctuality, we reached about an hour before the games sessions started. Thus we were given administrative work to do. Such as the manual shredding of paper coz the automatic shredder was spoilt. We also did some sorting of papers for the school.
After that we went to classroom 11B to play with the children. We were split into 2 groups, one group, played monopoly (junior) with half the class while the other group played UNO with the remaining half. After a while, we swapped.
In conclusion, we enjoyed ourselves, and I am sure that the children enjoyed themselves too. We gained valuable experience and we feel sorry for the less fortunate children.
P.S. Sir Zhan Liang owes me 15 cents. joking lol.
Hours Completed: 4hrs
Participants: Yi Wei
The objective of the visit to the Spastic Children Association School was to play with the children again.
However, due to our punctuality, we reached about an hour before the games sessions started. Thus we were given administrative work to do. Such as the manual shredding of paper coz the automatic shredder was spoilt. We also did some sorting of papers for the school.
After that we went to classroom 11B to play with the children. We were split into 2 groups, one group, played monopoly (junior) with half the class while the other group played UNO with the remaining half. After a while, we swapped.
In conclusion, we enjoyed ourselves, and I am sure that the children enjoyed themselves too. We gained valuable experience and we feel sorry for the less fortunate children.
P.S. Sir Zhan Liang owes me 15 cents. joking lol.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sec 3 Squad,
I have keyed in for all of you 4 hours of CIP for NPCC Service Day.
No points for NPCC Day Parade Cadet Audience.
No points for Police Day Parade Cadet Audience.
I have keyed in for all of you the rank of Corporal, Sergeant and Staff Sergeant.
.I have keyed in for the 9 guys who helped in the Launch of EZ COE ICT @ VS 10 hours of CIP.
I have keyed in for the Shooting Team for Inter-Unit .22 Smith and Wesson Revolver Shooting Competition.
I have keyed in for the Quiz Comp Team for the Inter-Unit Quiz Competition.
OC Unit
I have keyed in for all of you 4 hours of CIP for NPCC Service Day.
No points for NPCC Day Parade Cadet Audience.
No points for Police Day Parade Cadet Audience.
I have keyed in for all of you the rank of Corporal, Sergeant and Staff Sergeant.
.I have keyed in for the 9 guys who helped in the Launch of EZ COE ICT @ VS 10 hours of CIP.
I have keyed in for the Shooting Team for Inter-Unit .22 Smith and Wesson Revolver Shooting Competition.
I have keyed in for the Quiz Comp Team for the Inter-Unit Quiz Competition.
OC Unit
Missing CCA Points
CY: All those who participated in Service Day 2007 did not get any C.I.P. on their report cards for it.
CY: The 2 sec3s and 3 sec2s did not receive any points for attending Police Day Parade.
CY: The sec2s who participated as Cadet Audience during NPDP did not receive any points.
CY: The 2 sec2s who represented Victoria School in the NPCC exchange trip to Malaysia did not receive any points on their report cards.
CY: All cadets are missing Rank points
CY: The sec3s who helped out in the COE ICT Launch are missing C.I.P. hours.
CY: The Shooting Team is missing its points for Shooting Competition.
CY: The Quiz Team is missing points for its Quiz Competition.
CY: The 2 sec3s and 3 sec2s did not receive any points for attending Police Day Parade.
CY: The sec2s who participated as Cadet Audience during NPDP did not receive any points.
CY: The 2 sec2s who represented Victoria School in the NPCC exchange trip to Malaysia did not receive any points on their report cards.
CY: All cadets are missing Rank points
CY: The sec3s who helped out in the COE ICT Launch are missing C.I.P. hours.
CY: The Shooting Team is missing its points for Shooting Competition.
CY: The Quiz Team is missing points for its Quiz Competition.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Completion of NYAA silver
This post goes to all those people who REALLY REALLY want to complete their NYAA silver, but do not have enough hours for their service section.
Please tell me the number of hours that you need. However, I will only help you if you have met the following requirements:
1. You have done your one star and two star kayaking or you are confident that you will be able to get 30 hrs for your physical recreation.
2. You have attended most of the campcraft sessions so that you are able fill up enough pages in your diary for the skills section. {At least 5 sessions.} Check the number of sessions you have attended by checking the participants list on the campcraft POSTS, if your name is there, you have attended.
3. You have attended either the sec 3 camp, CSSP/OBS, or ATC. So for people like Samuel who attended NONE, forget it.
4. You must be sincere when asking for help.
P.S. Please tell me by this Friday.
Andy, Yongwei, and Chun Yong, do not have to read this post, coz you all should be able the complete or have completed your service.
Please tell me the number of hours that you need. However, I will only help you if you have met the following requirements:
1. You have done your one star and two star kayaking or you are confident that you will be able to get 30 hrs for your physical recreation.
2. You have attended most of the campcraft sessions so that you are able fill up enough pages in your diary for the skills section. {At least 5 sessions.} Check the number of sessions you have attended by checking the participants list on the campcraft POSTS, if your name is there, you have attended.
3. You have attended either the sec 3 camp, CSSP/OBS, or ATC. So for people like Samuel who attended NONE, forget it.
4. You must be sincere when asking for help.
P.S. Please tell me by this Friday.
Andy, Yongwei, and Chun Yong, do not have to read this post, coz you all should be able the complete or have completed your service.
NYAA campcraft
25 October 2007
Hours completed: 2.5 hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Yock Siong, Jervin, Sakib, Jun Han, Walter(WAS NOT THERE), Azhri
Today, we taught the sec 2s and some Sec 1s and 2s cadets from NCC (land) how to tie the 8 basic knots:
Thumb knot, slip knot, clove hitch, figure of eight, bow line, reef knot, ship shank, sheet bend.
These knots are easy for most of us, but for the NCC cadets who did not learn campcraft before, they seemed to be of some challenge. By teaching them the knots, we could also revise on our campcraft skills.
Luckily the sec2s had learnt 6 out of the eight knots before, and thus could enhance our teaching by guiding the NCC cadets when needed.
The cadets learnt the first 6 knots quite quickly, however, for the remaining 2, they were of a slightly higher difficulty and thus more time and effort was required before the cadets managed to tie the knot without our PROFESSIONAL HELP.
Hours completed: 2.5 hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Yock Siong, Jervin, Sakib, Jun Han, Walter(WAS NOT THERE), Azhri
Today, we taught the sec 2s and some Sec 1s and 2s cadets from NCC (land) how to tie the 8 basic knots:
Thumb knot, slip knot, clove hitch, figure of eight, bow line, reef knot, ship shank, sheet bend.
These knots are easy for most of us, but for the NCC cadets who did not learn campcraft before, they seemed to be of some challenge. By teaching them the knots, we could also revise on our campcraft skills.
Luckily the sec2s had learnt 6 out of the eight knots before, and thus could enhance our teaching by guiding the NCC cadets when needed.
The cadets learnt the first 6 knots quite quickly, however, for the remaining 2, they were of a slightly higher difficulty and thus more time and effort was required before the cadets managed to tie the knot without our PROFESSIONAL HELP.
NYAA service
24 october 2007
Hours Completed: 3hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Andy
The objective the visit to the Spastic Children Association School was to play with the mentally disabled children there.
The sec 2s, together with the sec 3s mentioned above, helped to train the mental power of the Spastic children there by playing interactive games such as UNO, some wierd monkey game, etc. These games seemed simple and easy for most of us who could play the games without much effort, however, for these disabled children, it needed a great amount of skill and physical ability in order to carry out the required task in the game in a given amount of time.
All in all, both us, the volunteers, and the children there had great time, and we enjoyed ourselves.
-The main people who played the games were the sec 2s (slack job)
-The sec 3s had to make sure that the game went smoothly and help to solve any problems or obstacles faced. (tougher job)
Hours Completed: 3hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Andy
The objective the visit to the Spastic Children Association School was to play with the mentally disabled children there.
The sec 2s, together with the sec 3s mentioned above, helped to train the mental power of the Spastic children there by playing interactive games such as UNO, some wierd monkey game, etc. These games seemed simple and easy for most of us who could play the games without much effort, however, for these disabled children, it needed a great amount of skill and physical ability in order to carry out the required task in the game in a given amount of time.
All in all, both us, the volunteers, and the children there had great time, and we enjoyed ourselves.
-The main people who played the games were the sec 2s (slack job)
-The sec 3s had to make sure that the game went smoothly and help to solve any problems or obstacles faced. (tougher job)
Parade - 1st November
There will be a parade on 1st November, Thursday.
Please fall in outside NP room by 0745, full uniform is not required.
Parade will end around 1430 with special lunch provided.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
There will be a parade on 1st November, Thursday.
Please fall in outside NP room by 0745, full uniform is not required.
Parade will end around 1430 with special lunch provided.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bedok Police Visit and Road Marshal Duty
Sec 3 Squad,
Bedok Police Division Visit on 2 Nov and Road Marshal Duty on 9 Nov. All are to attend. Attendance is compulsory. VALID MEDICAL CERTIFICATE must be submitted in cases of absence.
Bedok Police Division Visit on 2 Nov and Road Marshal Duty on 9 Nov. All are to attend. Attendance is compulsory. VALID MEDICAL CERTIFICATE must be submitted in cases of absence.
Monday, October 22, 2007
NYAA Service
22 October 2007
Hours completed: 3hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Andy
Today, the three sec 3s accompanied six sec 2s to the Spastic Children Association Singapore to teach the scouts there how to perform certain campcraft skills, in this case, we taught them campcraft.
First, the 9 of us were split up such that each of us had a buddy which we could teach the skills to.
We taught them, 5 out of the 8 basic knots. Thumbknot, slip knot, reef knot, clove hitch, figure of eight.
This task of teaching them was not easy, this is so as they were slower in learning the steps to tie the knots and also, some of them could not control their hand movements properly which resulted in them being unable to tie the knots quickly. But in the end, most of them managed to learn at least 4 out of the 5 knots. We also managed to gain valuable experience through the teaching of these mentally disabled children.
While teaching the children, we also could revise on the tying of various basic knots.
Hours completed: 3hrs
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Andy
Today, the three sec 3s accompanied six sec 2s to the Spastic Children Association Singapore to teach the scouts there how to perform certain campcraft skills, in this case, we taught them campcraft.
First, the 9 of us were split up such that each of us had a buddy which we could teach the skills to.
We taught them, 5 out of the 8 basic knots. Thumbknot, slip knot, reef knot, clove hitch, figure of eight.
This task of teaching them was not easy, this is so as they were slower in learning the steps to tie the knots and also, some of them could not control their hand movements properly which resulted in them being unable to tie the knots quickly. But in the end, most of them managed to learn at least 4 out of the 5 knots. We also managed to gain valuable experience through the teaching of these mentally disabled children.
While teaching the children, we also could revise on the tying of various basic knots.
NYAA Campcraft
19 October 2007
Hours completed: 1.5 hr
Particpants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Jervin, Yock Siong, Jun Han, Azhri
Today, we just did a revision of the 7 basic knots.
Thumbknot: Toooooo Easy, unless you are retarded, you should be able to tie
Slip knot: Almost as easy only retards cannot tie.
Reef knot: -----------"----------------
Figure of eight: zzzzzzzzzzzz
Clove Hitch: Too basic
Bowline: Not that easy, but tied too many times during tent pitching in ATC such that it becomes as easy as ABC
Ship Shank: No comments, not too hard
Sheet Bend: ..... hardest, but Jun Han taught us anyway.
Hours completed: 1.5 hr
Particpants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Jervin, Yock Siong, Jun Han, Azhri
Today, we just did a revision of the 7 basic knots.
Thumbknot: Toooooo Easy, unless you are retarded, you should be able to tie
Slip knot: Almost as easy only retards cannot tie.
Reef knot: -----------"----------------
Figure of eight: zzzzzzzzzzzz
Clove Hitch: Too basic
Bowline: Not that easy, but tied too many times during tent pitching in ATC such that it becomes as easy as ABC
Ship Shank: No comments, not too hard
Sheet Bend: ..... hardest, but Jun Han taught us anyway.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Kayaking Certificates
These people has yet to hand in your kayaking certificate.
These people has yet to hand in your kayaking certificate.
- Tarang
- Jonathan Song
- Poh Zhi Yang
- Nico Tang
- Aslam
- Jeremy
- Teo Yock Siong
- Walter Yong
NCOs are to make sure they hand in by this tuesday's potential training.
Please collect and pass it to me by then.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
CI Meeting
There will be a compulsory CI meeting this TUESDAY, 16 OCTOBER, 1100
By then most of your exams are over.
This meeting is highly important and attendance is crucial.
Agenda includes UTC, badges and future parades.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
There will be a compulsory CI meeting this TUESDAY, 16 OCTOBER, 1100
By then most of your exams are over.
This meeting is highly important and attendance is crucial.
Agenda includes UTC, badges and future parades.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Thursday, September 27, 2007
To everyone who is readin this, you should really be studying.
Your exams comes on the 5th of October and you should be more or less prepared.
Study hard work hard and after your exams you can enjoy life again.
NP is important but grades are as crucial.
So do make sure you get good grades.
As you guys are sec threes, i suppose most of you should know the importance of good grades.
There should be no need for me to remphasize this point but to those who are still blur.
Go study,
CI Zhan Liang
I will come after all of you all for the things you owe me after the exams.
To everyone who is readin this, you should really be studying.
Your exams comes on the 5th of October and you should be more or less prepared.
Study hard work hard and after your exams you can enjoy life again.
NP is important but grades are as crucial.
So do make sure you get good grades.
As you guys are sec threes, i suppose most of you should know the importance of good grades.
There should be no need for me to remphasize this point but to those who are still blur.
Go study,
CI Zhan Liang
I will come after all of you all for the things you owe me after the exams.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Scheduele On 14/08/07
There will not be any parade this Friday. There will however be a briefing for the upcoming NPCC Service Day which will be held on Saturday, 15/08/07. All cadets are required to attend for both the briefing and the Service Day itself. Attire for the briefing is full school uniform and fall in time is at 1420h. The briefing will end latest by 1700h.
Friday, September 07, 2007
2 star kayaking important NOTICE
Mr Khoo says that we ought to be more grateful before we expect anything from others, so he is not processing the edusave forms for us. As a result, we have to pay cash for 2 star kayaking. SO PLEASE BRING AN EXTRA $50 TML FOR KAYAKING.
For your info, the attire tml is not fix, but we prefer you to wear sch t shirts or unit t.
Mr Khoo says that we ought to be more grateful before we expect anything from others, so he is not processing the edusave forms for us. As a result, we have to pay cash for 2 star kayaking. SO PLEASE BRING AN EXTRA $50 TML FOR KAYAKING.
For your info, the attire tml is not fix, but we prefer you to wear sch t shirts or unit t.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
NYAA 2 star kayaking form
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
2* kayaking
People taking 2 star kayaking please take note:
Apparently, Azhri said that there will be no parade on Friday, so please bring the Edusave form on Saturday, when you attend the 2 star course. And I will get Chun Yong to fix the link for the downloading of the form.
Apparently, Azhri said that there will be no parade on Friday, so please bring the Edusave form on Saturday, when you attend the 2 star course. And I will get Chun Yong to fix the link for the downloading of the form.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
2 star kayaking
People going for 2 star kayaking:
1. Yi Wei
2. Yongwei
3. Jervin
4. Jun Han
5. Walter
6. Chun Yong
7. Zhi Yang
8. Jonathan Song
9. Andy
10. Nico
PLEASE note that the location for 2 star is Pasir Ris Water venture, NOT Changi Water Venture.
The Edusave forms would be uploaded soon, please download, sign and bring on friday, during parade.
1. Yi Wei
2. Yongwei
3. Jervin
4. Jun Han
5. Walter
6. Chun Yong
7. Zhi Yang
8. Jonathan Song
9. Andy
10. Nico
PLEASE note that the location for 2 star is Pasir Ris Water venture, NOT Changi Water Venture.
The Edusave forms would be uploaded soon, please download, sign and bring on friday, during parade.
17 August 2007 - 19 August 2007
Hours completed : 3 days
Participants : Tarang, Yi Wei, Yongwei, Jervin, Yi An, Chun Yong, Azhri, Johnathan Song, Andy, Nico
Day 1:
We arrived at pulau ubin and took a long walk to the campsite. There, we were splitted up into our groups from 1 to 6. Then, we started our tent pitching. Using our campcraft skills, we managed to pitch up out tents. After that, we were told which tent we were supposed to sleep in.
Next, was dinner. we had to cook our own instant noodles and eat them with can food.
Then, we played ice breaking games to allow us to be more familiar with our group ates.
Then, we were split in to groups to discuss our campfire item for the following night. After that, was the mock campfire. During this session, we were led by the song leaders to say various cheers that were going to be used for the actual campfire. We said cheers like flea fly, gako the frog, Titanic, etc.
After about one hour of cheering, we returned to out groups and were debriefed by our group CI, before going to sleep.
Day 2:
In the morning at about 6am, we had our flag raising ceremony. Following that was morning PT. We did push-ups, sit-ups, back raises and a few other types of exercises.
Then, we ate our breakfast.
Next the various groups went to carry out various activities. (The following part is only for group 5 and 6)
My group started with orienteering. We were given a map and a compass and we were told the 6 figure grid reference for the next check point. Using the map, we went from one check point to another. At each check point, we were taught different survival skills, such as building of shelters, obtaining drinkable water, testing if something is edible, and creating a compass.
However, at the last check point, it started raining and we were brought back to the campsite via a van.
Then, we had lunch.
Next, my group went for rafting. We changed into our wet attire and proceded to the next location. First, we had to build our raft. we did so by tying wooden branches together using square lashes. Then, we tied the barrels to our wooden structure.
After that, we carried our raft into the water and started paddling.
After about 15 mins of fun paddling the raft about, we carried it ashore and untied the knots.
Following that, we had out high ropes challenge. We were first told of the safety precaution we had to take, such as what to do when we fall off the course.
Then we took turns to try out the various rope challenge. This challenges required us to overcome our fears of height, and required a certain amount of stamina.
Next we had dinner.
Following that was the campfire whrere we cheered throughout the night.
After that we went to sleep.
Day 3:
In the morning, we attended flag raising ceremony AGAIN, and had our morning PT AGAIN. After that we ate our breakfast AGAIN.
Then, we unpitched our tents, cleaned the area and went for the debriefing session.
During the debriefing session, they debriefed us and annouced the best campers.....
Then, we took the boat back to SINGAPORE.
Hours completed : 3 days
Participants : Tarang, Yi Wei, Yongwei, Jervin, Yi An, Chun Yong, Azhri, Johnathan Song, Andy, Nico
Day 1:
We arrived at pulau ubin and took a long walk to the campsite. There, we were splitted up into our groups from 1 to 6. Then, we started our tent pitching. Using our campcraft skills, we managed to pitch up out tents. After that, we were told which tent we were supposed to sleep in.
Next, was dinner. we had to cook our own instant noodles and eat them with can food.
Then, we played ice breaking games to allow us to be more familiar with our group ates.
Then, we were split in to groups to discuss our campfire item for the following night. After that, was the mock campfire. During this session, we were led by the song leaders to say various cheers that were going to be used for the actual campfire. We said cheers like flea fly, gako the frog, Titanic, etc.
After about one hour of cheering, we returned to out groups and were debriefed by our group CI, before going to sleep.
Day 2:
In the morning at about 6am, we had our flag raising ceremony. Following that was morning PT. We did push-ups, sit-ups, back raises and a few other types of exercises.
Then, we ate our breakfast.
Next the various groups went to carry out various activities. (The following part is only for group 5 and 6)
My group started with orienteering. We were given a map and a compass and we were told the 6 figure grid reference for the next check point. Using the map, we went from one check point to another. At each check point, we were taught different survival skills, such as building of shelters, obtaining drinkable water, testing if something is edible, and creating a compass.
However, at the last check point, it started raining and we were brought back to the campsite via a van.
Then, we had lunch.
Next, my group went for rafting. We changed into our wet attire and proceded to the next location. First, we had to build our raft. we did so by tying wooden branches together using square lashes. Then, we tied the barrels to our wooden structure.
After that, we carried our raft into the water and started paddling.
After about 15 mins of fun paddling the raft about, we carried it ashore and untied the knots.
Following that, we had out high ropes challenge. We were first told of the safety precaution we had to take, such as what to do when we fall off the course.
Then we took turns to try out the various rope challenge. This challenges required us to overcome our fears of height, and required a certain amount of stamina.
Next we had dinner.
Following that was the campfire whrere we cheered throughout the night.
After that we went to sleep.
Day 3:
In the morning, we attended flag raising ceremony AGAIN, and had our morning PT AGAIN. After that we ate our breakfast AGAIN.
Then, we unpitched our tents, cleaned the area and went for the debriefing session.
During the debriefing session, they debriefed us and annouced the best campers.....
Then, we took the boat back to SINGAPORE.
NYAA campcraft
24 August 2007
Hours completed: 1hr
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Yock Siong, Alvin, Jonathan Song, Zhi Yang, Aslam, Samuel, Andy (If I missed your name, please tell me)
Today, we were introduced to the basic steps of setting up a flag staff. However due to lack of location, we were unable set up one.
The steps are as follows:
1. Tie two poles together using two round lash. Make sure that the overlapping point of the poles is 1/3 the length of one of the pole. If poles are of different diameters, make sure the thinner pole is on top of the Thicker one.
2. Tie three 5m long twines to the poles at the point where the poles overlap each other.
3. Then tie the twines to the pegs using the tent guy loop, making sure that the angles between the twines are equal and they should be around 120 degrees.
Hours completed: 1hr
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Yock Siong, Alvin, Jonathan Song, Zhi Yang, Aslam, Samuel, Andy (If I missed your name, please tell me)
Today, we were introduced to the basic steps of setting up a flag staff. However due to lack of location, we were unable set up one.
The steps are as follows:
1. Tie two poles together using two round lash. Make sure that the overlapping point of the poles is 1/3 the length of one of the pole. If poles are of different diameters, make sure the thinner pole is on top of the Thicker one.
2. Tie three 5m long twines to the poles at the point where the poles overlap each other.
3. Then tie the twines to the pegs using the tent guy loop, making sure that the angles between the twines are equal and they should be around 120 degrees.
NYAA campcraft (again)
ZZZ this is also a little late.
16 August 2007
Hours Completed: 1.5 hrs
Participants: Yongwei, Yi Wei, Sakib, Andy (Not so sure, if I missed your name or added it by accident, please tell me)
By today, all of us were very sure of the steps and procedure of pitching a tent, and were already quite prepared for our upcoming ATC. However, todays session was organised to help us improve our skills and speed in pitching the tent.
So during the session, us together with the sec 2s pitched up a tent.(without the outer sheet again) We also practiced our pegging skill, trying to improve the speed in which we peg.
16 August 2007
Hours Completed: 1.5 hrs
Participants: Yongwei, Yi Wei, Sakib, Andy (Not so sure, if I missed your name or added it by accident, please tell me)
By today, all of us were very sure of the steps and procedure of pitching a tent, and were already quite prepared for our upcoming ATC. However, todays session was organised to help us improve our skills and speed in pitching the tent.
So during the session, us together with the sec 2s pitched up a tent.(without the outer sheet again) We also practiced our pegging skill, trying to improve the speed in which we peg.
NYAA Campcraft
LOL I know that this is abit late.
15 August 2007
Hours completed: 1.5 hrs
Participants: Jeremy, YiWei, Sakib, Zhi Yang, Yi An, Nico
To prepare for the tent pitching in ATC, this campcraft session was organised to teach and train the sec 2s how to pitch a tent. The sec 3s who participated could revise and practice their tent pitching skills.
During the session, we practiced the various tent pitching skills such as pegging, tying of the tent guy loop, and also made ourselves more familiar with the procedure of pitching a tent.
However, due to lack of time, we did not pitch a complete tent. (Our tent did not have the outer sheet)
The procedure of pitching a tent is as follows:
1. Attached the horizontal pole to the vertical poles and get two people to hold it such that it is perpendicular to the ground.
2. Place the inner sheet over the poles and tie the 1.5m long twines to the hoops on the inner sheet using a bowline.
3. Determine the peg position and start pegging.
4. Tie the twine onto the peg using the tnet guy loop.
5. Place the outer sheet over the inner sheet.
6. Determine peg position and start pegging again.
7. Tie the outer sheet to the pegs with tent guy loops again.
15 August 2007
Hours completed: 1.5 hrs
Participants: Jeremy, YiWei, Sakib, Zhi Yang, Yi An, Nico
To prepare for the tent pitching in ATC, this campcraft session was organised to teach and train the sec 2s how to pitch a tent. The sec 3s who participated could revise and practice their tent pitching skills.
During the session, we practiced the various tent pitching skills such as pegging, tying of the tent guy loop, and also made ourselves more familiar with the procedure of pitching a tent.
However, due to lack of time, we did not pitch a complete tent. (Our tent did not have the outer sheet)
The procedure of pitching a tent is as follows:
1. Attached the horizontal pole to the vertical poles and get two people to hold it such that it is perpendicular to the ground.
2. Place the inner sheet over the poles and tie the 1.5m long twines to the hoops on the inner sheet using a bowline.
3. Determine the peg position and start pegging.
4. Tie the twine onto the peg using the tnet guy loop.
5. Place the outer sheet over the inner sheet.
6. Determine peg position and start pegging again.
7. Tie the outer sheet to the pegs with tent guy loops again.
Friday, August 31, 2007
This is to all sec three seniors.
Some of you might still be suffering from post ROD syndrome.
But i would like to tell you guys that the NCOs cannot do without seniors.
Though sometimes you guys joke and play around, which i can understand fully, you must still understand that there is a time to play and there is a time to be serious and working hard.
And study hard for your exams!
I hope to see a improved batch of seniors when i see you next time.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
This is to all sec three seniors.
Some of you might still be suffering from post ROD syndrome.
But i would like to tell you guys that the NCOs cannot do without seniors.
Though sometimes you guys joke and play around, which i can understand fully, you must still understand that there is a time to play and there is a time to be serious and working hard.
And study hard for your exams!
I hope to see a improved batch of seniors when i see you next time.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
NCOs Evaluation
This is to all NCOs. I would just like to say afew words.
First of all, it has been a month since you guys took over officially. Some of you have been performing up to standard while many of you have not. There has been afew occassions where some of you have shined while many occassions that neither of you did.
There was the ATC which i believe i havent talked to you guys about. But i do hope that all of you who went remember that specific line i spoke to you about. It is the Victorian Pride that we are talking about. Do the best you can to bring that up.
That brings me to the other point. There are many tasks that i have asked some of you to do. Most of you responded well.
Sakib did an excellent job collecting the NYAA forms.
YiWei did an excellent job organising kayaking.
However, afew tasks i have handed over are still incompleted, such as the badge chart as well as badge lists. This speaks volume about your responsibility.
The upcoming events such as the Unit Camp at end of year would be another great challenge to you guys. And i expect the proposal to be in by the end of september. Once my exams are over i will come after you guys.
Also, do set a good example to your juniors in whatever way possible.
As i take a step down for the month of septmeber, you guys still have yourself to be responsible to.
CI Zhan Liang
To secondary one and two cadets reading,
Be a good cadet. Appreciate what the NCOs are doing for you. Its for the unit. Its for the school.
CI Zhan Liang
This is to all NCOs. I would just like to say afew words.
First of all, it has been a month since you guys took over officially. Some of you have been performing up to standard while many of you have not. There has been afew occassions where some of you have shined while many occassions that neither of you did.
There was the ATC which i believe i havent talked to you guys about. But i do hope that all of you who went remember that specific line i spoke to you about. It is the Victorian Pride that we are talking about. Do the best you can to bring that up.
That brings me to the other point. There are many tasks that i have asked some of you to do. Most of you responded well.
Sakib did an excellent job collecting the NYAA forms.
YiWei did an excellent job organising kayaking.
However, afew tasks i have handed over are still incompleted, such as the badge chart as well as badge lists. This speaks volume about your responsibility.
The upcoming events such as the Unit Camp at end of year would be another great challenge to you guys. And i expect the proposal to be in by the end of september. Once my exams are over i will come after you guys.
Also, do set a good example to your juniors in whatever way possible.
As i take a step down for the month of septmeber, you guys still have yourself to be responsible to.
CI Zhan Liang
To secondary one and two cadets reading,
Be a good cadet. Appreciate what the NCOs are doing for you. Its for the unit. Its for the school.
CI Zhan Liang
Thursday, August 30, 2007
2 star Kayaking Forms (VERY IMPORTANT)
For the people taking 2 star kayaking, those who do not have the form, please download it here. Click on the option "courses and activities" to download the file. Print it out, fill it up, get it signed and make sure you bring it by tomorrow (31/8/07). OTHERWISE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE THE COURSE AND WE WILL NOT BE ORGANISING A 2ND ONE FOR YOU!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
2 star Kayaking
For the people interested in taking the 2 star course, please note that the dates are not confirmed yet.
As unfortunately, Water Venture (changi) does not have a slot for 2 star in the september holidays. So, we have contacted Water Venture (Pasir Ris). We have been told to call again on Tuesday to find out whether a class can be formed on the following dates. 7 - 9 september.
If we are unable to get a class, the next class available would probably be on the 22, 23 and 30 of september.
As unfortunately, Water Venture (changi) does not have a slot for 2 star in the september holidays. So, we have contacted Water Venture (Pasir Ris). We have been told to call again on Tuesday to find out whether a class can be formed on the following dates. 7 - 9 september.
If we are unable to get a class, the next class available would probably be on the 22, 23 and 30 of september.
2* Kayaking
We are signing up for a 2* Kayaking Course for a few who are interested in participating.
Pre-requirements: 1* Kayaking
The dates chosen are: 7/9/07 (Fri) to 9/9/07 (Sun)
Sec 3s who are interested:
Seow Chun Yong
Pang Yi Wei
Lim Yongwei
Tang Jian Hong Nico
Jervin Seow Chen Hern
Aslam Shah B Iskhandar Shah
Song Wen Yang Jonathan
Yong Walter
Yong Chang Wei Andy
Sec 2s who have taken 1* Kayaking already:
Tan Bing Yu
Juay Wei Xuan
Sylvester Chin Si Wei
Quinn Lum
All are to fill in their individual forms taken from Pang Yi Wei and Edusave Forms (optional) from Seow Chun Yong.
Pre-requirements: 1* Kayaking
The dates chosen are: 7/9/07 (Fri) to 9/9/07 (Sun)
Sec 3s who are interested:
Seow Chun Yong
Pang Yi Wei
Lim Yongwei
Tang Jian Hong Nico
Jervin Seow Chen Hern
Aslam Shah B Iskhandar Shah
Song Wen Yang Jonathan
Yong Walter
Yong Chang Wei Andy
Sec 2s who have taken 1* Kayaking already:
Tan Bing Yu
Juay Wei Xuan
Sylvester Chin Si Wei
Quinn Lum
All are to fill in their individual forms taken from Pang Yi Wei and Edusave Forms (optional) from Seow Chun Yong.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
This year, NPCC Joint Service Day falls on 15 September 2007 Saturday 10am to 1pm. This is a day when all NPCC cadets don Full Uniform and go out to the Marine Parade neighbourhood to spread Crime Prevention messages to the public. Attendance at this event is compulsory. All NPCC cadets are to don Full Uniform and participate. Should you have other activities on the same morning, you must cancel or postpone all other activities. If any teacher asks you to stay back for any activities, please inform me so that I can ask the teacher to excuse you. All Sec 1 to Sec 3 cadets must participate. If you have problem with your NPCC uniform, you will still have to participate in Full School Uniform.
By Order,
OC Unit
By Order,
OC Unit
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Dear Cadets,
The Unit will have activities and events till 9 Nov 2007. On 9 Nov 2007, we are involved in a major event involving the Singapore Police Force. Hence, all cadets can only make holiday plans after 9 Nov 2007. Unit Training Camp is likely to be held on the last 2 weeks of December 2007. All cadets are to be back by then from your overseas trips to participate in this compulsory camp.
The Unit will have activities and events till 9 Nov 2007. On 9 Nov 2007, we are involved in a major event involving the Singapore Police Force. Hence, all cadets can only make holiday plans after 9 Nov 2007. Unit Training Camp is likely to be held on the last 2 weeks of December 2007. All cadets are to be back by then from your overseas trips to participate in this compulsory camp.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Those people who have not handed in the consent form for ATC please bring the form tml and hand it in to Mr Chan personally. This is your last chance. If you do not cherish it, you will DIE!!!
People to take note:
Yock Siong
Jonathan Song
Zhi Yang (If you haven't Not sure whether you handed in)
Wai Chong
Nico (If you haven't handed in)
Make sure everyone attend ATC tml, if you are unable to attend, produce an MC.
Or else, your life will be HELL!!!
People to take note:
Yock Siong
Jonathan Song
Zhi Yang (If you haven't Not sure whether you handed in)
Wai Chong
Nico (If you haven't handed in)
Make sure everyone attend ATC tml, if you are unable to attend, produce an MC.
Or else, your life will be HELL!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
NYAA Skills: Campcraft
14 August 2007
Hours completed: 1 hour
Participants: Nico, Yi Wei
In preparation for the upcoming ATC, the sec 2s and sec 3s had to learn how to pitch a tent. Today, we taught 6 sec 2s, who attended the training, pegging, at the same time, we revised and practiced that skill.
We practiced on how to make sure that the peg is facing the centre of the tent, however, we did not use a tent, instead, we just marked out a certain point as the centre. This could be done by placing one foot such that it points towards the centre. Then, place the other foot perpendicular to the first foot, before the person can start pegging.
We spent the session practicing how to make sure that the peg faces the centre and how to make sure that the angle between the peg and the ground is around 45 degrees. And also, we trained our speed in pegging.
Hours completed: 1 hour
Participants: Nico, Yi Wei
In preparation for the upcoming ATC, the sec 2s and sec 3s had to learn how to pitch a tent. Today, we taught 6 sec 2s, who attended the training, pegging, at the same time, we revised and practiced that skill.
We practiced on how to make sure that the peg is facing the centre of the tent, however, we did not use a tent, instead, we just marked out a certain point as the centre. This could be done by placing one foot such that it points towards the centre. Then, place the other foot perpendicular to the first foot, before the person can start pegging.
We spent the session practicing how to make sure that the peg faces the centre and how to make sure that the angle between the peg and the ground is around 45 degrees. And also, we trained our speed in pegging.
ATC Attendence
Please take note that attendance for this upcoming ATC is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Those unable to attend are to produce a MC. Any other invalid reason for not turning up will result in disciplinary actions taken against you.
NYAA Physical Recreation: Kayaking
12 August 2007
Hours completed: 7 hours
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Jervin, Chun Yong
On 12 August 2007, we (participants) met up at Water Venture Changi at 9.30 am. We rented three kayaks for the day. Our objectives were to practice our 1 star skills and at the same time, boost our water confidence to prepare ourselves for our 2 star course. We also wanted to accompany Chun Yong in his 1 star course.
After getting into our proper attire, we moved the kayaks to the beach, tested our buoyancy vests and before long, we were kayaking in the murky, salty ocean.
We started off by taking turns to capsize and rescue one another. This allowed us to ensure our safety when we kayak later as we would be able to rescue one another in case the kayak capsizes.
Then, we kayaked around the marked area, practicing the various 1 star skills as we paddled, such as sweep stroke, stern rudder, J-stroke, classic draw and how to recover if we were to lose our balance.
We kayaked and practiced the skills for the whole day before returning home.
Jervin capsized once, when practicing rescue.
Yongwei capsized twice, once to practice rescue, and once when he was trying a 2 star skill.
Yi Wei capsized 5 times, twice to practice rescue, once to empty kayak and twice when trying to do a 2 star skill.
Hours completed: 7 hours
Participants: Yi Wei, Yongwei, Jervin, Chun Yong
On 12 August 2007, we (participants) met up at Water Venture Changi at 9.30 am. We rented three kayaks for the day. Our objectives were to practice our 1 star skills and at the same time, boost our water confidence to prepare ourselves for our 2 star course. We also wanted to accompany Chun Yong in his 1 star course.
After getting into our proper attire, we moved the kayaks to the beach, tested our buoyancy vests and before long, we were kayaking in the murky, salty ocean.
We started off by taking turns to capsize and rescue one another. This allowed us to ensure our safety when we kayak later as we would be able to rescue one another in case the kayak capsizes.
Then, we kayaked around the marked area, practicing the various 1 star skills as we paddled, such as sweep stroke, stern rudder, J-stroke, classic draw and how to recover if we were to lose our balance.
We kayaked and practiced the skills for the whole day before returning home.
Jervin capsized once, when practicing rescue.
Yongwei capsized twice, once to practice rescue, and once when he was trying a 2 star skill.
Yi Wei capsized 5 times, twice to practice rescue, once to empty kayak and twice when trying to do a 2 star skill.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Orienteering Lesson
There will be a session for me to teach you guys orienteering for the upcoming ATC.
It will be this wednesday 1430 in the np room.
It will last roughly about an hour or so.
This will go into your NYAA Silver for skills as well.
Thus, if you do not come, you will be faulted on that.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
There will be a session for me to teach you guys orienteering for the upcoming ATC.
It will be this wednesday 1430 in the np room.
It will last roughly about an hour or so.
This will go into your NYAA Silver for skills as well.
Thus, if you do not come, you will be faulted on that.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Adventure Training Camp 2007
All Secondary Three class reps are to meet Mr Chan in front of your assembly area on 14 August, Tuesday immediatly after morning assembly to collect your ATC indemnity forms for your class.
Otherwise, please ensure that you have at least a class representative at that point in time.
Your campers booklet can be obtained here.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
All Secondary Three class reps are to meet Mr Chan in front of your assembly area on 14 August, Tuesday immediatly after morning assembly to collect your ATC indemnity forms for your class.
Otherwise, please ensure that you have at least a class representative at that point in time.
Your campers booklet can be obtained here.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
NYAA Campcraft
3 August 2007
Hours completed : 1.5 hours
Participants: Jeremy, Yi Wei, Jervin, Yongwei, Yock Siong, Jun Han, Walter, Jonathan Song, Zhi Yang, Andy, Aslam, Nico, Alvin
Today, we learned the tent guy loop which is required for pitching a tent during the NPCC ATC camp.
Firstly, we practise tying the bowline which was required to tie the twine to the tent sheet.
Then we were taught the tent guy loop by Jun Han and Andy.
We practiced by pairing up, 1 person would hold the twine firmly acting as the tent sheet while the other guy would pretend that his foot is the peg and tie the the tent guy loop around his foot.
The knots requried to tie the tent guy loop are the slip knot, half hitch and the half butterfly.
STEPS: (Might not be exact)
1. After winding the twine around the peg, estimate half of the excess to determine the slip knot position on the twine.
2. Tie a slip knot and put the excess though the slip knot, and wind the twine around the peg
3. Tie a half hitch directly above the slipknot and tie a half butterfly at the end of the excess.
PS. we could not pitch up the tent as we could not find a suitable location.
Hours completed : 1.5 hours
Participants: Jeremy, Yi Wei, Jervin, Yongwei, Yock Siong, Jun Han, Walter, Jonathan Song, Zhi Yang, Andy, Aslam, Nico, Alvin
Today, we learned the tent guy loop which is required for pitching a tent during the NPCC ATC camp.
Firstly, we practise tying the bowline which was required to tie the twine to the tent sheet.
Then we were taught the tent guy loop by Jun Han and Andy.
We practiced by pairing up, 1 person would hold the twine firmly acting as the tent sheet while the other guy would pretend that his foot is the peg and tie the the tent guy loop around his foot.
The knots requried to tie the tent guy loop are the slip knot, half hitch and the half butterfly.
STEPS: (Might not be exact)
1. After winding the twine around the peg, estimate half of the excess to determine the slip knot position on the twine.
2. Tie a slip knot and put the excess though the slip knot, and wind the twine around the peg
3. Tie a half hitch directly above the slipknot and tie a half butterfly at the end of the excess.
PS. we could not pitch up the tent as we could not find a suitable location.
The following people please take note:
1) Pang Yi Wei (3A)
2) Jervin Seow (3B)
3) Chin Jun Han (3D)
4) Chiang Yi An (3E)
5) Poh Zhi Yang (3H)
1) Pang Yi Wei (3A)
2) Jervin Seow (3B)
3) Chin Jun Han (3D)
4) Chiang Yi An (3E)
5) Poh Zhi Yang (3H)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Badge Chart & Squad Chart
ALL Sec 3s, please come down to the NPCC room tomorrow to help out in the badge chart and squad chart making after school. Thank you.
Principal Talk on Friday 3 Aug
On Friday, 3 Aug, Principal will be speaking to the Unit after Muster Parade. This will take 30 minutes.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
CIs Meeting - 25/7/07
There will be a CIs meeting tomorrow 25/7/07.
Please fall in outside NPCC room by 1530 in your school uniform.
Do make pre-preparations for the meeting if you have any.
All secondary threes are suppose to attend the meeting.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
There will be a CIs meeting tomorrow 25/7/07.
Please fall in outside NPCC room by 1530 in your school uniform.
Do make pre-preparations for the meeting if you have any.
All secondary threes are suppose to attend the meeting.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Monday, July 23, 2007
1. ALL R.O.D. arrangements to be FINISHED by this Wednesday, 25/7/2007.
2. Certificates to be ready and printed out by Souvenior IC (Nico).
3. Plaques to be READY and bought by this Thursday, 26/7/2007, by Souvenior IC (Nico).
4. Parade Schedule for 26/7/2007 and 27/7/2007 to be posted on the blog and in hard copy ASAP by Parade IC (Azhri).
5. R.O.D. Powerpoint and Videos to be FULLY completed by 26/7/2007 by Program IC (Chun Yong).
6. Food to be settled before 27/7/2007 by Refreshments IC (Tarang).
Everyone is advised to inquire help from other squadmates to help them complete their tasks if they are incapable of doing so alone. Otherwise, make sure the deadline is met so that R.O.D. will NOT be postponed. Thank you.
1. ALL R.O.D. arrangements to be FINISHED by this Wednesday, 25/7/2007.
2. Certificates to be ready and printed out by Souvenior IC (Nico).
3. Plaques to be READY and bought by this Thursday, 26/7/2007, by Souvenior IC (Nico).
4. Parade Schedule for 26/7/2007 and 27/7/2007 to be posted on the blog and in hard copy ASAP by Parade IC (Azhri).
5. R.O.D. Powerpoint and Videos to be FULLY completed by 26/7/2007 by Program IC (Chun Yong).
6. Food to be settled before 27/7/2007 by Refreshments IC (Tarang).
Everyone is advised to inquire help from other squadmates to help them complete their tasks if they are incapable of doing so alone. Otherwise, make sure the deadline is met so that R.O.D. will NOT be postponed. Thank you.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Campcraft Skills and Adventurous Journey Prelimnary Training Journal Entry
19 July 2007
Hours completed: 1.5 hours
Participants: Andy, Samuel, Zhi Yang, Aslam, Yock Siong, Walter
To prepare for the adventure training camp(atc) next month, we learned the basics of pitching a tent today, taught by senior Jia Wei. He taught us the three different sheets of a tent:
Ground sheet- The sheet that is put on the ground in the tent.
Inner sheet- The sheet that forms the shape of the tent.
Outer sheet- The sheet that prevents rain from seeping into the tent.
We were also thought the length of twine we should use, the knots that we tie to the tent sheets and how we should peg.
Hours completed: 1.5 hours
Participants: Andy, Samuel, Zhi Yang, Aslam, Yock Siong, Walter
To prepare for the adventure training camp(atc) next month, we learned the basics of pitching a tent today, taught by senior Jia Wei. He taught us the three different sheets of a tent:
Ground sheet- The sheet that is put on the ground in the tent.
Inner sheet- The sheet that forms the shape of the tent.
Outer sheet- The sheet that prevents rain from seeping into the tent.
We were also thought the length of twine we should use, the knots that we tie to the tent sheets and how we should peg.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Campcraft training and CI meeting on thursday after ROD training
There will be a campcraft training and a meeting with the CIs after ROD training on thursday as today's training was cancelled. Please be prepared to stay back until as late as 7.30p.m.
Money collection for ROD
Please bring $5 with you tomorrow as i will collect it to pay for the things that we need for ROD. To ensure that we complete the collection faster, class reps are appointed to help spread this information and collect the money from their classmates. The class reps are: Jeremy(3A), Yongwei(3B and 3C), Junhan(3D and 3E), Azhri(3G), Andy(3H and 3I) and Aslam(3J). Some class reps are in charge of 2 classes as there are only a few people in their class. The class rep system will also be used to spread information in future for this year and next year.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Camp Craft Training
The Camp Craft training on 16/7/07 from 1730hrs onwards by C.I. Samuel, is postponed to this Thursday (19/7/07) after R.O.D. training. ALL Secondary 3s are to be present for R.O.D. Training unless they have a VALID excuse and EVIDENCE. Anyone unable to make it are to post on the tagboard. Please inform and remind other Sec 3 VSNPCC people. Thank You.
Excellent Turnout at Speech Day Parade
To all Flag Party participants,
The turnout at the Speech Day Parade is excellent! A great show put up by each and every one of you. The last month of training will indeed produce good results. Well done!
The turnout at the Speech Day Parade is excellent! A great show put up by each and every one of you. The last month of training will indeed produce good results. Well done!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Campcraft Skills Journal Entry
10 july 2007
Hours completed:1.5 hours
Participants(not confirmed): Andy, Jun Han, Chun Yong, Azhri, Jonathan, Aslam, Samuel, Zhi Yang, Jeremy, Tarang, Yi Wei
We did lashings today. We revised round lash and square lash. We also learnt how to tie two new lashings: sheer lash and gyn(tripod) lash, which were taught by Jun Han and Andy. We also learnt the purpose of each lashing.
round lash:
-used to tie two parallel poles together
-combine two poles together to form one long pole(flagstaff)
square lash:
-used to tie two poles together which meet at a right angle
sheer lash:
-used to tie two poles together which meet at an acute angle
gyn(tripod) lash:
-tie three or more parallel poles together
-tie three poles together to form a tripod stand
Hours completed:1.5 hours
Participants(not confirmed): Andy, Jun Han, Chun Yong, Azhri, Jonathan, Aslam, Samuel, Zhi Yang, Jeremy, Tarang, Yi Wei
We did lashings today. We revised round lash and square lash. We also learnt how to tie two new lashings: sheer lash and gyn(tripod) lash, which were taught by Jun Han and Andy. We also learnt the purpose of each lashing.
round lash:
-used to tie two parallel poles together
-combine two poles together to form one long pole(flagstaff)
square lash:
-used to tie two poles together which meet at a right angle
sheer lash:
-used to tie two poles together which meet at an acute angle
gyn(tripod) lash:
-tie three or more parallel poles together
-tie three poles together to form a tripod stand
Monday, July 09, 2007
Speech Day Full Dress Rehearsal
There will be a full dress rehearsal on wednesday, 11 july. All flag bearers please bring full uniform on wednesday.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
PNCO Training on 9th July 2007
Dear ALL PNCOs 2007:
There will be PNCO training tomorrow, (9/7/07), after E.S.P. (Enhanced Study Programme) at 5.30pm. ALL PNCOs are to meet outside the NPCC room BEFORE 5.30pm. Attire is PT kit. We will be doing Campcraft for 1 hour and the remaining requires us to be in PT kit. Please help to inform the 16 PNCOs and be punctual. Thank you.
Chun Yong.
There will be PNCO training tomorrow, (9/7/07), after E.S.P. (Enhanced Study Programme) at 5.30pm. ALL PNCOs are to meet outside the NPCC room BEFORE 5.30pm. Attire is PT kit. We will be doing Campcraft for 1 hour and the remaining requires us to be in PT kit. Please help to inform the 16 PNCOs and be punctual. Thank you.
Chun Yong.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Sec 3 Adventure Training Camp
Sec 3 Squad,
The Sec 3 Adventure Training Camp will be held from 17 to 19 August 2007 Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Camp Resilience, Pulau Ubin.
The Sec 3 Adventure Training Camp will be held from 17 to 19 August 2007 Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Camp Resilience, Pulau Ubin.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Speech Day Parade Rehearsal
The first Speech Day Parade Rehearsal will take place on 4 July Wednesday. All 18 flag bearers and 3 reserves confirmed by CI Melvin last Friday are to attend this rehearsal.
1. Fall in in Half Uniform with Head Dress at 2:50pm sharp outside Auditorium.
2. Please consume your lunch before attending the rehearsal, however not advisable to have a heavy meal.
3. Please drink sufficient water prior to reporting and to have a good night sleep on the eve of the rehearsal.
1. Fall in in Half Uniform with Head Dress at 2:50pm sharp outside Auditorium.
2. Please consume your lunch before attending the rehearsal, however not advisable to have a heavy meal.
3. Please drink sufficient water prior to reporting and to have a good night sleep on the eve of the rehearsal.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
2007 VSNPCC Probation Posts for PNCOs
Your probation posts can be obtained here.
Please take this seriously and give it all your best.
Just a slight reminder that anything can happen during this period of probation and no one has been confirmed an NCO place.
We hope to see a better Nemesiz squad the next time round.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Jeremy: Please update your ROD proposal asap
Jun Han: Please give the CIs the dates
Your probation posts can be obtained here.
Please take this seriously and give it all your best.
Just a slight reminder that anything can happen during this period of probation and no one has been confirmed an NCO place.
We hope to see a better Nemesiz squad the next time round.
Thank You,
CI Zhan Liang
Jeremy: Please update your ROD proposal asap
Jun Han: Please give the CIs the dates
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
28 and 29 June 2007
Sec 3s have to sit for Science Revision Tests on 28 n 29 June. Join in Flag Party training after the tests.
NCO Interview
All sec 3s:
NCO interview
Date : 4/7/07 (next Wednesday)
Reporting time : 0300 hrs
Venue : Outside NP room
Attire : PT kit
You are also required to write and NCO essay which is to be submitted on the day of the interview.
Points to include in your essay:
NCO interview
Date : 4/7/07 (next Wednesday)
Reporting time : 0300 hrs
Venue : Outside NP room
Attire : PT kit
You are also required to write and NCO essay which is to be submitted on the day of the interview.
Points to include in your essay:
- Why you want to be an NCO
- Why do you think you are fit to be an NCO
- Why should WE choose you as an NCO
- What will you do if you become an NCO
Flag Party Training 28 and 29 June
Please be reminded that there is flag party training on 28 and 29 June Thursday and Friday. Fall in in front of Auditorium by 2:30pm on Thursday. Attire is Half Uniform.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Selection and Confirmation of Flag Party
The selection and confirmation of Flag Party will take place on Friday 29 June 2007. We will select 18 actual bearers and 2 reserve bearers. This year, the State flag and School flag will be by BB boys. The Victorian Anthem flag march in is by NCC Land. The Flag Party Commander will also be from NCC Land too. We have done our part last year for 130th anniversary. This year, NCC Land will do Victorian Anthem flag march in and FP Commander and next year, BB will do. Rotate among the 3 UGs.
Invitation from Ngee Ann Sec NPCC.
If you are interested, come and see me with a team of 4. Open to Sec 3 and Sec 2. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. LIMITED TO ONLY THE FIRST 12 SCHOOLS.
We are inviting your unit to send a team of NPCC cadets to participate in Ngee Ann Secondary School NPCC Unit’s first ever Inter-unit Amazing Race. This fun-filled event held at Pasir Ris Park will see your cadets in action, overcoming obstacles and challenges in fun yet educational way. Team-spirit, innovation and creativity will come in handy when participating teams are faced with the various tasks that they have to tackle at each station in order to win the race. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams. Tokens of appreciation will also be given to all participating schools.
Below are details of the event
Theme : Journey to the East
Competition Date: 28th July 2007
Venue: Pasir Ris Park, Meeting Point 2 in Area 2.
Time: 0745 – 1200h
Attire: PT Attire - Track pants, Unit T-shirt, Track/jogging/running shoes
Number of cadets per team: 4
Number of teams per school:1
Cost: Free of charge
Kindly fax or email us the completed entry form(s) by 6th July 2007. Priority will be given in order of receipt, thus kindly reply as soon as possible. (First 12 schools)
Sequence of Activity
1. Upon arrival at Pasir Ris Park, all teams will assemble at Meeting point 2 in Area 2 by 0745h.
2. Teams will be briefed on the race procedures.
3. Team leaders will draw lots to pick their route. There are a total of 12 routes, all pre-determined beforehand to ensure that all the distances travelled for each route would be the same as any other route.
4. There are a total of 12 stations, scattered throughout Area 1 and Area 2 of Pasir Ris Park. Each team will be given a map of Pasir Ris Park on which all 12 stations would be marked.
5. Each team will have to pass through the 7 stations assigned to them on their route card, in the specified order. At each of the stations, there will be two challenges for the teams to overcome in order to proceed to the next station.
6. The first challenge at each of the stations would be a theme-based question about facts and figures (e.g. famous landmarks, street names) related to the eastern part of Singapore.
7. For every correct answer, they will get a 2 minutes deduction off their final race time. However, for every wrong answer, they will get 2 minutes added to their final timing
8. The second challenge at each station requires them to perform an obstacle as a team.
9. Each team is only given a total of ten minutes to complete both tasks at each station. After which, the team will be asked to move onto the next station, irregardless of whether they have completed the tasks or not.
10. The team to return to the starting point after passing through all 7 stations in the shortest possible time would emerge as the winner.
11. All participants are expected to be back at the starting point by 1030h, irregardless of their progress of the race and/or completion of the stations.
12. All teams have to make their way to the different locations around the park by foot only.
13. The team must move as a unit. The team timing will be based on the last member of the group to arrive at the designated area.
Rules and Regulations
Unless with medical proof from doctors, participants with medical history such as asthma, fractured legs are advised not to take part in this event.
The organizer should be notified of any withdrawal one week in advance before the event starts.
Participants must be NPCC cadets. No outsiders are allowed to take part in this race.
All teams are not allowed to seek assistance by getting outside help to join them for the race. If caught they will promptly disqualified on the spot.
All contestants are to be properly behaved at all times during the race.
Teams are expected to observe the rules of the race at all times or be subjected to any penalty or total disqualification from the race
All contestants are expected to be honest at all times during the race. Failing which will subject the entire team to disqualification from the event.
The decisions made by organising committee regarding any issues related to Inter-unit Amazing Race 2007 will be final.
You are responsible for your own well-being and you belongings.
Disqualifications would fall to team if the team loses the route card or attempts to edits the route card or sabotages other teams.
This is an external school event, thus act appropriately at all times.
The school and the management committee would not be responsible in any case of accidents, death or any other negative consequences.
If you are interested, come and see me with a team of 4. Open to Sec 3 and Sec 2. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. LIMITED TO ONLY THE FIRST 12 SCHOOLS.
We are inviting your unit to send a team of NPCC cadets to participate in Ngee Ann Secondary School NPCC Unit’s first ever Inter-unit Amazing Race. This fun-filled event held at Pasir Ris Park will see your cadets in action, overcoming obstacles and challenges in fun yet educational way. Team-spirit, innovation and creativity will come in handy when participating teams are faced with the various tasks that they have to tackle at each station in order to win the race. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams. Tokens of appreciation will also be given to all participating schools.
Below are details of the event
Theme : Journey to the East
Competition Date: 28th July 2007
Venue: Pasir Ris Park, Meeting Point 2 in Area 2.
Time: 0745 – 1200h
Attire: PT Attire - Track pants, Unit T-shirt, Track/jogging/running shoes
Number of cadets per team: 4
Number of teams per school:1
Cost: Free of charge
Kindly fax or email us the completed entry form(s) by 6th July 2007. Priority will be given in order of receipt, thus kindly reply as soon as possible. (First 12 schools)
Sequence of Activity
1. Upon arrival at Pasir Ris Park, all teams will assemble at Meeting point 2 in Area 2 by 0745h.
2. Teams will be briefed on the race procedures.
3. Team leaders will draw lots to pick their route. There are a total of 12 routes, all pre-determined beforehand to ensure that all the distances travelled for each route would be the same as any other route.
4. There are a total of 12 stations, scattered throughout Area 1 and Area 2 of Pasir Ris Park. Each team will be given a map of Pasir Ris Park on which all 12 stations would be marked.
5. Each team will have to pass through the 7 stations assigned to them on their route card, in the specified order. At each of the stations, there will be two challenges for the teams to overcome in order to proceed to the next station.
6. The first challenge at each of the stations would be a theme-based question about facts and figures (e.g. famous landmarks, street names) related to the eastern part of Singapore.
7. For every correct answer, they will get a 2 minutes deduction off their final race time. However, for every wrong answer, they will get 2 minutes added to their final timing
8. The second challenge at each station requires them to perform an obstacle as a team.
9. Each team is only given a total of ten minutes to complete both tasks at each station. After which, the team will be asked to move onto the next station, irregardless of whether they have completed the tasks or not.
10. The team to return to the starting point after passing through all 7 stations in the shortest possible time would emerge as the winner.
11. All participants are expected to be back at the starting point by 1030h, irregardless of their progress of the race and/or completion of the stations.
12. All teams have to make their way to the different locations around the park by foot only.
13. The team must move as a unit. The team timing will be based on the last member of the group to arrive at the designated area.
Rules and Regulations
Unless with medical proof from doctors, participants with medical history such as asthma, fractured legs are advised not to take part in this event.
The organizer should be notified of any withdrawal one week in advance before the event starts.
Participants must be NPCC cadets. No outsiders are allowed to take part in this race.
All teams are not allowed to seek assistance by getting outside help to join them for the race. If caught they will promptly disqualified on the spot.
All contestants are to be properly behaved at all times during the race.
Teams are expected to observe the rules of the race at all times or be subjected to any penalty or total disqualification from the race
All contestants are expected to be honest at all times during the race. Failing which will subject the entire team to disqualification from the event.
The decisions made by organising committee regarding any issues related to Inter-unit Amazing Race 2007 will be final.
You are responsible for your own well-being and you belongings.
Disqualifications would fall to team if the team loses the route card or attempts to edits the route card or sabotages other teams.
This is an external school event, thus act appropriately at all times.
The school and the management committee would not be responsible in any case of accidents, death or any other negative consequences.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Noise Discipline - GCE O Level Oral Exam
The GCE O Level Oral Exam will commence next week till Speech Day week. The venues of the exam are the various computer labs in the CCA Blocks. On days when there are trainings for ROD, weekly training or Flag Party, please observe noise discipline and noise level must be kept to the minimum level so as not to disrupt the exams in the afternoons. Anyone found making noise affecting the exams will be severely dealt with by School Discipline Committee.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Postponement of Quiz Comp Prelims
Gentlemen in the Quiz Comp teams,
HQ has postponed the Prelims for Quiz Comp to 6 July. However, Finals is still on 3 Aug. CI Zhan Liang will update all on the Quiz Comp.
Please work hard and prepare well for the Quiz Comp!
Nil Sine Labore
HQ has postponed the Prelims for Quiz Comp to 6 July. However, Finals is still on 3 Aug. CI Zhan Liang will update all on the Quiz Comp.
Please work hard and prepare well for the Quiz Comp!
Nil Sine Labore
Inter-unit quiz competition 2007
This is the latest news on the quiz competition so do take note.
I think some can be considered good news.
Firstly, the preliminaries has been postponed to 6th July, leaving us with more time to prepare.
Secondly, HQ has specified the categories to study under NPCC, which we did not really go in depth the last time round i saw you guys. More information can be obtained here.
The rest remains largly the same.
With the extra time given on our hands following the postponement of the prelims, there would be intensive quiz training from the 2nd to 5th of july by me for all of these topics. Further instructions will be given out.
Thank You,
The following mail reads:
We would like to inform all units that the Preliminary Round for the NPCC Inter Unit Quiz Competition has been postponed to 6 July 2007, Friday.The date for the finals will remain as 3 August 2007, Friday.
2 Reporting Time
The reporting time will be from 2.30pm onwards. All participants have to be seated by 2.50pm. The Competition will start at 3pm sharp. Please advise your cadets to register early to prevent congestion at the reporting venue
3 Venue
Area 4, 5 and 13 are to report at the Auditorium, Home Team Academy. For the remaining Areas, please report at the Harmony Hall, Home Team Academy.
4 Materials
We would advise participants to bring along their own set of stationery, ie pen, 2B pencil and eraser for shading of the OTAS Sheets. For cadetsreporting at the Harmony Hall, please advise your cadets to bring along ahard file or thick book as a support.
5 Rules and Regulations (Revised)
We have included the specific topics to be revised by the participants under the category of NPCC. Please encourage your cadets to do their revision before the competition. Please refer to the attached file for information.
This is the latest news on the quiz competition so do take note.
I think some can be considered good news.
Firstly, the preliminaries has been postponed to 6th July, leaving us with more time to prepare.
Secondly, HQ has specified the categories to study under NPCC, which we did not really go in depth the last time round i saw you guys. More information can be obtained here.
The rest remains largly the same.
With the extra time given on our hands following the postponement of the prelims, there would be intensive quiz training from the 2nd to 5th of july by me for all of these topics. Further instructions will be given out.
Thank You,
The following mail reads:
We would like to inform all units that the Preliminary Round for the NPCC Inter Unit Quiz Competition has been postponed to 6 July 2007, Friday.The date for the finals will remain as 3 August 2007, Friday.
2 Reporting Time
The reporting time will be from 2.30pm onwards. All participants have to be seated by 2.50pm. The Competition will start at 3pm sharp. Please advise your cadets to register early to prevent congestion at the reporting venue
3 Venue
Area 4, 5 and 13 are to report at the Auditorium, Home Team Academy. For the remaining Areas, please report at the Harmony Hall, Home Team Academy.
4 Materials
We would advise participants to bring along their own set of stationery, ie pen, 2B pencil and eraser for shading of the OTAS Sheets. For cadetsreporting at the Harmony Hall, please advise your cadets to bring along ahard file or thick book as a support.
5 Rules and Regulations (Revised)
We have included the specific topics to be revised by the participants under the category of NPCC. Please encourage your cadets to do their revision before the competition. Please refer to the attached file for information.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Additional Trainings for Sec 4 ROD
Dear Sec 3s,
In view of the Sec 4 ROD Parade on 27 July, there will be additional trainings on the following 4 Thursdays. These additional 4 trainings on Thursdays are on top of the trainings on Fridays. In other words, there will be training sessions on both Thursdays and Fridays from next week till last week of July. The additional Thursday trainings are,
28 June
5 July
19 July
26 July
The above additional trainings apply to all Sec 3 cadets. After selection of Flag Party cadets is confirmed by next week, cadets who are not selected to be in Flag Party will conduct ROD trainings for Sec 1s and Sec 2s on both Thursdays and Fridays. Cadets who are selected for Flag Party will attend Flag Party trainings on both Thursdays and Fridays as well. Those in Flag Party will join in to conduct ROD trainings for Sec 1s and Sec 2s on 19 and 26 July. PRIORITY IS STILL THE SCHOOL'S SPEECH DAY FLAG PARTY REHEARSALS. I DO NOT WANT SEC 3 CADETS TO DROP OUT OF FLAG PARTY JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO CONDUCT THE ROD TRAININGS FOR SEC 2S AND SEC 1S. PLEASE BE RATIONAL AND REMEMBER, SCHOOL BEFORE UNIT, UNIT BEFORE SELF!
In view of the Sec 4 ROD Parade on 27 July, there will be additional trainings on the following 4 Thursdays. These additional 4 trainings on Thursdays are on top of the trainings on Fridays. In other words, there will be training sessions on both Thursdays and Fridays from next week till last week of July. The additional Thursday trainings are,
28 June
5 July
19 July
26 July
The above additional trainings apply to all Sec 3 cadets. After selection of Flag Party cadets is confirmed by next week, cadets who are not selected to be in Flag Party will conduct ROD trainings for Sec 1s and Sec 2s on both Thursdays and Fridays. Cadets who are selected for Flag Party will attend Flag Party trainings on both Thursdays and Fridays as well. Those in Flag Party will join in to conduct ROD trainings for Sec 1s and Sec 2s on 19 and 26 July. PRIORITY IS STILL THE SCHOOL'S SPEECH DAY FLAG PARTY REHEARSALS. I DO NOT WANT SEC 3 CADETS TO DROP OUT OF FLAG PARTY JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO CONDUCT THE ROD TRAININGS FOR SEC 2S AND SEC 1S. PLEASE BE RATIONAL AND REMEMBER, SCHOOL BEFORE UNIT, UNIT BEFORE SELF!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Hey guyz.
sry for the confusion. I have edited the previous post for the meeting attire.
Besides that, answering the questions you asked,
1. For now, there will not be any payments that need to be made for the camp.
2. The t-shirts: the packing list says 6 school based shirts and in brackets 2 dark-coloured. This means that the dark coloured shirts should be school-based. If you don't have this, then any other is ok.
3. For those who have mess tins, you may want to bring them along (although i personally don't think we will need cuz its not stated in the list)
4. For those who dont have enough shorts, you can bring any others.
HOWEVER, NONE OF THE THINGS YOU BRING MUST HAVE ANY VULGAR/OBSCENE/(you know that sort of things) ON IT. (eg. shirts with bad words on them are not allowed etc...)
Any other questions, please let me know asap.
sry for the confusion. I have edited the previous post for the meeting attire.
Besides that, answering the questions you asked,
1. For now, there will not be any payments that need to be made for the camp.
2. The t-shirts: the packing list says 6 school based shirts and in brackets 2 dark-coloured. This means that the dark coloured shirts should be school-based. If you don't have this, then any other is ok.
3. For those who have mess tins, you may want to bring them along (although i personally don't think we will need cuz its not stated in the list)
4. For those who dont have enough shorts, you can bring any others.
HOWEVER, NONE OF THE THINGS YOU BRING MUST HAVE ANY VULGAR/OBSCENE/(you know that sort of things) ON IT. (eg. shirts with bad words on them are not allowed etc...)
Any other questions, please let me know asap.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Cadets going for the CSSP Camp,
This camp will be something different from the conventional camps. Learn from the experience you will be going through and enjoy yourselves. If you have any problems, talk to Tarang and Sakib. For any emergencies, the camp organisers will contact me.
This camp will be something different from the conventional camps. Learn from the experience you will be going through and enjoy yourselves. If you have any problems, talk to Tarang and Sakib. For any emergencies, the camp organisers will contact me.
Hi guyz.
For all those going to the CSSP camp on Tuesday-Friday, here are the details once more.
Meet at Novena MRT at 7.15am on Tuesday,
WEAR PE Shirt and Jeans/Track Pants/Bermudas (which is recommended by the organizers of the camp) (READ THIS, ITS BEEN EDITED!!!!!)
Make sure you have the campers' packing list and contact list, which is found on the blog.
Any questions,
contact me (Tarang) or Sakib.
Thanks and see ya on Tuesday.
For all those going to the CSSP camp on Tuesday-Friday, here are the details once more.
Meet at Novena MRT at 7.15am on Tuesday,
WEAR PE Shirt and Jeans/Track Pants/Bermudas (which is recommended by the organizers of the camp) (READ THIS, ITS BEEN EDITED!!!!!)
Make sure you have the campers' packing list and contact list, which is found on the blog.
Any questions,
contact me (Tarang) or Sakib.
Thanks and see ya on Tuesday.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Flag Drill Training on 22 June 2007
There will be a Flag Drill Training next Friday on 22 June 2007. Those of you who are not involved in CSSP Camp or OBS Camp, are to attend this training. 8am fall in, training commences at 8:30am. Finishes at 12:00pm. Half U with Bumblebee.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
OBS Course
Chun Yong, Azhri, Yongwei and Yock Siong,
Date of Camp: 18 - 22 June 2007
Reporting and Dismissal Venue: Punggol Point Jetty
Reporting Time: 18 June Monday at 8.30 am
Dismissal Time: 22 June Friday at 10.30 am
Attire: VS Bumblebee and track pants
How to get there: Bus 82 (Full Red Plate)
Essential items to bring: Bus-pass / NRIC / Birthcert
Kit Kist: As attached in the registration form
Date of Camp: 18 - 22 June 2007
Reporting and Dismissal Venue: Punggol Point Jetty
Reporting Time: 18 June Monday at 8.30 am
Dismissal Time: 22 June Friday at 10.30 am
Attire: VS Bumblebee and track pants
How to get there: Bus 82 (Full Red Plate)
Essential items to bring: Bus-pass / NRIC / Birthcert
Kit Kist: As attached in the registration form
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
SCAS Toy Library Painting 12/6/07
Tasks completed:
- Completed 3rd wall,
- Completed 3rd wall,
- Painted the the three dogs.
- Painted the grass.
- Painted the clouds
- Painted the three kennels.
- Modified the 1st wall,
- Painted a few more stars.
- Painted a new planet.
- Removed unwanted paint marks on the wall.
- Clean up,
- Rid the floor of paint.
- Removed pencil and chalk markings on the wall.
- Cleared the tin of paints from the room. (Into Mr Khoo's car lol)
- Brown paint was difficult to mix.
- Giant Grass (for those who know about it)
Special Thanks to:
- The VJC Senior (Forgot his name lol)
Monday, June 11, 2007
SCAS Service Schedule
Legend: T1 = Team 1, T2 = Team 2, T3 = Team 3, LZ = Lizhi
The table above shows the service schedules at SCAS.
The planners have thought hard and planned much to come up with this schedule to maximise everyone's contributions.
The tasks to be completed are reflected on the LEFT.
The days for you to complete this project is from 23 May to 15 Jun 07.
You are divided into 3 Teams.
Your team leaders are T1: Yiwei, T2: Yongwei, T3: Andy, overall i/c Chun Yong, asst i/c Azhri
Every team is involved ONCE A WEEK from 0900-1700 on the dates as assigned to you.
The planners have thought hard and planned much to come up with this schedule to maximise everyone's contributions.
The tasks to be completed are reflected on the LEFT.
The days for you to complete this project is from 23 May to 15 Jun 07.
You are divided into 3 Teams.
Your team leaders are T1: Yiwei, T2: Yongwei, T3: Andy, overall i/c Chun Yong, asst i/c Azhri
Every team is involved ONCE A WEEK from 0900-1700 on the dates as assigned to you.
Team 1: Yiwei (Leader)
Zhi Yang
Team 2: Yongwei (Leader)
Yock Siong
Xin Wen
Xin Wen
Team 3: Jervin (Leader)
Jonathan Song
Police Knowledge and Home Front Security Course
Please be reminded to attend the course on 13 and 14 June 2007 Wednesday and Thursday.
Please refer to previous posting for details of the course.
Please refer to previous posting for details of the course.
Police Knowledge and Home Front Security Course
Please be reminded to attend the PK and HFS course at HTA ON 13 and 14 June Wednesday and Thursday.
Refer to previous posting on the details of the course.
Refer to previous posting on the details of the course.
Friday, June 08, 2007
15 June Training
There is a Flag Drill training session next Friday 15 June 2007 from 8am to 1230pm. Attire is Half Uniform with Bumblebee Tee Shirt. Bring the flag sash holder/container required.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Absence from LMSC
Abbas - Overseas
Wai Choong - Absence Without Official Leave
Nico - Medical Appointment
Abbas - Overseas
Wai Choong - Absence Without Official Leave
Nico - Medical Appointment
Police Knowledge and HomeFront Security Course
Date: 13 and 14 June 2007
Time: 830am to 5pm
Venue: HTA Harmony Hall
Attire: Full NPCC Uniform
What to bring: Writing materials and Jacket (Optional)
Please remind each other. Andy, you are appointed buddy for your good friend Wai Choong. He was absent from LMSC as he claims that no one informs him. It is now Andy's duty to ensure Wai Choong turns up for future NPCC Trainings and courses.
Time: 830am to 5pm
Venue: HTA Harmony Hall
Attire: Full NPCC Uniform
What to bring: Writing materials and Jacket (Optional)
Please remind each other. Andy, you are appointed buddy for your good friend Wai Choong. He was absent from LMSC as he claims that no one informs him. It is now Andy's duty to ensure Wai Choong turns up for future NPCC Trainings and courses.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
8 June Friday Training
There will be a training on 8 June Friday from 8am to 1230pm.
Sec 4s are having study parade. Revision and self study.
Sec 3s and Sec 2s are having flag drills from 830am to 1200pm.
Sec 1s are having PT, drills and games.
Attendance is compulsory.
Sec 4s are having study parade. Revision and self study.
Sec 3s and Sec 2s are having flag drills from 830am to 1200pm.
Sec 1s are having PT, drills and games.
Attendance is compulsory.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course LMSC
Dear Sec 3 Squad,
This is a COMPULSORY COURSE. It is held on 4 and 5 June 2007 at Home Team Academy. Cadets are to fall in in their Full Uniform at 8.15am each day during the course. The course for each day will end around 6pm. Lunch will be provided for the cadets. They are required to bring their PT attire (NPCC T-shirt and trackpants) and writing materials.
As per usual, if you are absent due to medical reason, you must see a doctor and submit a MC.
Please remind each other especially those who do not check this blog often. Try to meet up together and go together. Better to go earlier as the bus to HTA may be crowded. Tell Xin Wenn to attend this course and he is excused from his D & T Class.
This is a COMPULSORY COURSE. It is held on 4 and 5 June 2007 at Home Team Academy. Cadets are to fall in in their Full Uniform at 8.15am each day during the course. The course for each day will end around 6pm. Lunch will be provided for the cadets. They are required to bring their PT attire (NPCC T-shirt and trackpants) and writing materials.
As per usual, if you are absent due to medical reason, you must see a doctor and submit a MC.
Please remind each other especially those who do not check this blog often. Try to meet up together and go together. Better to go earlier as the bus to HTA may be crowded. Tell Xin Wenn to attend this course and he is excused from his D & T Class.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
9 June Marshal Duty CANCELLED
9 June Marshal Duty at Old Police Academy CANCELLED. Road Safety Park has enough cadets from other schools to do the duty.
.22 Revolver Shooting Competition 1 June 2007 Friday
Chun Yong, Azhri, Yock Siong, Jun Han and Walter,
Bus leaves school at 7:30am sharp for HTA. You guys should be in Full Uniform and put your bags in NPCC Room at 7:15am. Please make sure you consume your breakfast! Bus leaves HTA at 11am and should be back in school by 12pm.
Sakib, you can meet us at HTA Range at 8:30am. I hope you know where the HTA Range is.
Chun Yong, please ensure all are aware of these instructions, especially when you guys meet for training in school on Vesak Day.
Bus leaves school at 7:30am sharp for HTA. You guys should be in Full Uniform and put your bags in NPCC Room at 7:15am. Please make sure you consume your breakfast! Bus leaves HTA at 11am and should be back in school by 12pm.
Sakib, you can meet us at HTA Range at 8:30am. I hope you know where the HTA Range is.
Chun Yong, please ensure all are aware of these instructions, especially when you guys meet for training in school on Vesak Day.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Selection for Flag Party for 131st Speech Day
Dear Sec 3s,
NPCC will be mounting the Flag Party for 131st Speech Day. We will select the best 21 cadets for the Flag Party. 1 as Contingent Commander, 1 as State Flag Bearer, 18 as CCA Flag Bearers and 1 Reserve. These 21 cadets will come from Sec 3 and Sec 2 Squads. We will commence with the first training on 8 June 2007 Friday. Those who were not involved in the Flag Party last year and will like to take part this year must turn up. Chun Yong will be teaching you the basics of Flag Drills. The timing and attire will be confirmed at a later date. Those who were involved in last year's Flag Party should also turn up to revise.
NPCC will be mounting the Flag Party for 131st Speech Day. We will select the best 21 cadets for the Flag Party. 1 as Contingent Commander, 1 as State Flag Bearer, 18 as CCA Flag Bearers and 1 Reserve. These 21 cadets will come from Sec 3 and Sec 2 Squads. We will commence with the first training on 8 June 2007 Friday. Those who were not involved in the Flag Party last year and will like to take part this year must turn up. Chun Yong will be teaching you the basics of Flag Drills. The timing and attire will be confirmed at a later date. Those who were involved in last year's Flag Party should also turn up to revise.
CSSP Camp Pack List
To all those who are attending the CSSP Camp,
They are Sakib, Nico, Andy, Jeremy, Aslam, Yi Wei, Tarang, Jun Han, Jervin, Shaun Yeo, Bing Yu, Aloysius, Wei Lun, Slyvester.
Please download the CSSP Camp Pack list and Contact List for both yourself and your parents, especially the Contact List of the Camp Organisers. CPL Tarang is OIC for this camp and CPL Sakib is 2IC. They will report to me, in case of emergency.
Venue: Old Police Academy @ Thomson Road
Date: 19 Jun 07
Time to report: 8.00am (registration)
Date 22 Jun 07
Time: 12 noon (break camp)
OIC and 2IC are to arrange for all 14 VSNPCC cadets who are attending this camp to meet up before reporting, especially for the Sec 2s who are unfamiliar with Old PA.
They are Sakib, Nico, Andy, Jeremy, Aslam, Yi Wei, Tarang, Jun Han, Jervin, Shaun Yeo, Bing Yu, Aloysius, Wei Lun, Slyvester.
Please download the CSSP Camp Pack list and Contact List for both yourself and your parents, especially the Contact List of the Camp Organisers. CPL Tarang is OIC for this camp and CPL Sakib is 2IC. They will report to me, in case of emergency.
Venue: Old Police Academy @ Thomson Road
Date: 19 Jun 07
Time to report: 8.00am (registration)
Date 22 Jun 07
Time: 12 noon (break camp)
OIC and 2IC are to arrange for all 14 VSNPCC cadets who are attending this camp to meet up before reporting, especially for the Sec 2s who are unfamiliar with Old PA.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Ahmad Ibrahim Pioneering Competition 2007
This goes out to all sec 3 cadets, especially those who took part in last year campcraft competition. (jun han andy are required to take part)
AISS is organising a pioneering competition on the 30th June 2007.
Each team comprises of 4 main and 1 reserve
More information can be obtained here
This will tie in with the sec 3s NYAA Silver Skills section, campcraft.
The outcome of the competition will be part of your skills section, with regards to part of what you have accomplished under this section.
If you guys in any case wish to form more than one team please do not hesitate to come forward and i will see what can be done.
Thank you,
PCI zl
This goes out to all sec 3 cadets, especially those who took part in last year campcraft competition. (jun han andy are required to take part)
AISS is organising a pioneering competition on the 30th June 2007.
Each team comprises of 4 main and 1 reserve
More information can be obtained here
This will tie in with the sec 3s NYAA Silver Skills section, campcraft.
The outcome of the competition will be part of your skills section, with regards to part of what you have accomplished under this section.
If you guys in any case wish to form more than one team please do not hesitate to come forward and i will see what can be done.
Thank you,
PCI zl
Friday, May 25, 2007
Inter-unit quiz competition 2007
Jun Han, Yi Wei, Sakib, Azhri
Please download the SPF information here for your New Town competition next wed 30th May
Do remember to study the NPCC information as well and jun han pls update and send back to me asap.
There will be a quiz training for those who can make it on the 1st of june, friday at 0900 hours.
I will confirm the team to be sent into HQ on tt day itself, so for those who cant come pls pass your NRIC number to those who can come.
Please be prepared to stay till around noon as i would like to see how much you guys have learnt as well.
Also, please read the following mail on the compeition itself.
Thank You,
PCI zl
First of all, we would like to apologise for the delay in sending the information on the NPCC Inter-Unit Competition 2007. The NPCC Inter-Unit Competition 2007 will be held on 3 August 2007, Friday. The preliminary round of the Quiz Competition will be held on 29 June 2007, Friday at the Home Team Academy.
2 All units are invited to nominate 2 teams of 5 cadets inclusive of a reserve to take part in the competition. For Mixed units, there will not be a restriction on the number of boys and girls participating in the competition.
3 Please refer to the rules of the competition as attached in Annex A. OCs Units and participants are to acquaint themselves with these and comply strictly with them.
4 Please use the Registration Forms as attached in Annex B. All entries must reach NPCC HQ (Attn: Head Operations) by 4 June 2007, Monday. Incomplete forms will not be considered. Late entries will not be entertained. We will inform the Captain of the team if there is more information to be disseminated.
Jun Han, Yi Wei, Sakib, Azhri
Please download the SPF information here for your New Town competition next wed 30th May
Do remember to study the NPCC information as well and jun han pls update and send back to me asap.
There will be a quiz training for those who can make it on the 1st of june, friday at 0900 hours.
I will confirm the team to be sent into HQ on tt day itself, so for those who cant come pls pass your NRIC number to those who can come.
Please be prepared to stay till around noon as i would like to see how much you guys have learnt as well.
Also, please read the following mail on the compeition itself.
Thank You,
PCI zl
First of all, we would like to apologise for the delay in sending the information on the NPCC Inter-Unit Competition 2007. The NPCC Inter-Unit Competition 2007 will be held on 3 August 2007, Friday. The preliminary round of the Quiz Competition will be held on 29 June 2007, Friday at the Home Team Academy.
2 All units are invited to nominate 2 teams of 5 cadets inclusive of a reserve to take part in the competition. For Mixed units, there will not be a restriction on the number of boys and girls participating in the competition.
3 Please refer to the rules of the competition as attached in Annex A. OCs Units and participants are to acquaint themselves with these and comply strictly with them.
4 Please use the Registration Forms as attached in Annex B. All entries must reach NPCC HQ (Attn: Head Operations) by 4 June 2007, Monday. Incomplete forms will not be considered. Late entries will not be entertained. We will inform the Captain of the team if there is more information to be disseminated.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The phototaking session on Thursday 24 May is scheduled at 5:25pm. However, we should be ready in Full Uniform by 5:00pm. Due to unforeseen circumstances and delay, the photoshoot may finish between 5:45pm to 6:15pm. Please inform your parents about the possible delay and late dismissal.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Parade Schedule 24 May 07
Monday, May 21, 2007
NYAA Entry - Physical Recreation - Kayaking
19, 20 May 2007
Hours completed: 7+7=14 hours
- We were taught the definition of the kayak parts.
- We learnt that Bow is the front of the kayak, Stern is the back, Portside is the left, Starboard is the right, Deck is the top, Hull is the bottom, Deck line is a tight line used for emergency. Cockpit is the entrance where we sit on the kayak, and the Cockpit coaming is the round part that prevents water entering the cockpit, and also for holding.
- We also learnt that the paddle consist of two blades, the shaft, and the part between the shaft and the blades is the neck. The backface is the convex part of the blade, and the powerface is the concave part.
- We were taught the safety rules and handling of the kayak. We learnt how to handle the kayak properly.
- After getting our paddle and buoyancy vests, we were told to conduct a vest check by holding hands and getting into the sea with our legs above water, to test the efficiency of the vests. We were also told to swim 50m, to build up our water confidence.
- We were taught to embark and disembark properly from the kayak. We also learnt deep sea embarking, to enter the kayak in deep sea.
- We were taught the capsize drill. We have to hold the kayak and paddle by the hull, and capsize, then tap 3 times underwater, followed by getting out of the kayak and holding onto the kayak and shouting for help with the paddle pointing up. We have to hold on to our kayak so that we will be easier to spot. We also have to empty the kayak by using the see saw motion.
- We were taught how to hold the paddle properly on dry land, with right hand knuckles parallel to the blade, and how to do a proper stroke. We learnt forward paddling and reverse paddling.
- After that, we went into the sea with our kayak and practised our paddling. We were also taught to stop the paddle.
- We learnt how to spin the kayak on the spot by using sweep strokes, drawing a semicircle with our elbows straight, to make the kayak turn.
- We also learnt how to do a J stroke and classic draw. This is to move the kayak sideways. J stroke is to move the paddle towards you and using your other hand push the paddle up by going down. Classic draw is to move the paddle towards you, then turn it and move it away, and repeat.
- We were also learnt stern rudder which is to keep the kayak running in a straight line with the paddle by keeping it close to either side of the stern.
- We also learnt support and recovery, which is to maintain balance when the kayak is off balance.
- We learnt to rescue capsized kayaks in deep water, by having one rescuer and an assistant.
Hours completed: 7+7=14 hours
- We were taught the definition of the kayak parts.
- We learnt that Bow is the front of the kayak, Stern is the back, Portside is the left, Starboard is the right, Deck is the top, Hull is the bottom, Deck line is a tight line used for emergency. Cockpit is the entrance where we sit on the kayak, and the Cockpit coaming is the round part that prevents water entering the cockpit, and also for holding.
- We also learnt that the paddle consist of two blades, the shaft, and the part between the shaft and the blades is the neck. The backface is the convex part of the blade, and the powerface is the concave part.
- We were taught the safety rules and handling of the kayak. We learnt how to handle the kayak properly.
- After getting our paddle and buoyancy vests, we were told to conduct a vest check by holding hands and getting into the sea with our legs above water, to test the efficiency of the vests. We were also told to swim 50m, to build up our water confidence.
- We were taught to embark and disembark properly from the kayak. We also learnt deep sea embarking, to enter the kayak in deep sea.
- We were taught the capsize drill. We have to hold the kayak and paddle by the hull, and capsize, then tap 3 times underwater, followed by getting out of the kayak and holding onto the kayak and shouting for help with the paddle pointing up. We have to hold on to our kayak so that we will be easier to spot. We also have to empty the kayak by using the see saw motion.
- We were taught how to hold the paddle properly on dry land, with right hand knuckles parallel to the blade, and how to do a proper stroke. We learnt forward paddling and reverse paddling.
- After that, we went into the sea with our kayak and practised our paddling. We were also taught to stop the paddle.
- We learnt how to spin the kayak on the spot by using sweep strokes, drawing a semicircle with our elbows straight, to make the kayak turn.
- We also learnt how to do a J stroke and classic draw. This is to move the kayak sideways. J stroke is to move the paddle towards you and using your other hand push the paddle up by going down. Classic draw is to move the paddle towards you, then turn it and move it away, and repeat.
- We were also learnt stern rudder which is to keep the kayak running in a straight line with the paddle by keeping it close to either side of the stern.
- We also learnt support and recovery, which is to maintain balance when the kayak is off balance.
- We learnt to rescue capsized kayaks in deep water, by having one rescuer and an assistant.
Campcraft Skills Journal Entry 1
18th May 2007
Hours Completed: 2 hours
We revised some of the knots that we have learnt such as thumb knot, reef knot,figure-of-eight knot , slip knot and bowline at the start of the session. We also learnt the purpose of each knot. For example, the figure-of-eight can replace the carabiner to secure the harness. We also learnt a new knot, the manharness knot.
Learnt to tie basic knots for campcraft - thumb knot, slip knot, reef knot, bowline, clove hitch, figure of 8 including double figure of 8 and figure of 8 retrace.
Thumb knot
- Used as a stopper
Slip knot
- Used to attach one end of a rope to the middle of another, while allowing the knot to slide along the rope.
Reef knot
- Used for binding
- Used as a looping knot, to loop around a hole or a line.
Clove hitch
- Used to secure lines running along a series of posts.
- Used for weak binding.
Figure of 8
- Used as a stopper, for stopping ropes from running out of retaining devices.
- Double figure of 8 used for climbing, sailing, camping etc.
Hours Completed: 2 hours
We revised some of the knots that we have learnt such as thumb knot, reef knot,figure-of-eight knot , slip knot and bowline at the start of the session. We also learnt the purpose of each knot. For example, the figure-of-eight can replace the carabiner to secure the harness. We also learnt a new knot, the manharness knot.
Learnt to tie basic knots for campcraft - thumb knot, slip knot, reef knot, bowline, clove hitch, figure of 8 including double figure of 8 and figure of 8 retrace.
Thumb knot
- Used as a stopper
Slip knot
- Used to attach one end of a rope to the middle of another, while allowing the knot to slide along the rope.
Reef knot
- Used for binding
- Used as a looping knot, to loop around a hole or a line.
Clove hitch
- Used to secure lines running along a series of posts.
- Used for weak binding.
Figure of 8
- Used as a stopper, for stopping ropes from running out of retaining devices.
- Double figure of 8 used for climbing, sailing, camping etc.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
24 May Thursday Parade
Since the Unit is scheduled for phototaking on 24 May Thursday, a Muster Parade and Training Session will be held. Muster Parade will take place at 2:45pm. Please iron your uniform and arrange your badges in the NEW order, under the new directive. Those with long hair, please get a decent haircut, failing which you will be barred from the phototaking session.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Campcraft Skills Journal Entry 1
duration:1 hour
We revised some of the knots that we have learnt such as thumb knot, reef knot,figure-of-eight knot , slip knot and bowline at the start of the session. We also learnt the purpose of each knot. For example, the figure-of-eight can replace the carabiner to secure the harness. We also learnt a new knot, the manharness knot.
duration:1 hour
We revised some of the knots that we have learnt such as thumb knot, reef knot,figure-of-eight knot , slip knot and bowline at the start of the session. We also learnt the purpose of each knot. For example, the figure-of-eight can replace the carabiner to secure the harness. We also learnt a new knot, the manharness knot.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Police Day Parade on 3 June
Azhri, Yock Siong and Chun Yong will attend the Police Day Parade on 3 June. Fuzhi and Aloysius from Sec 2 Squad will also be there.
22 May Tuesday Marksmanship Shoot
22 May Tuesday 2pm - Fall in at Foyer and bus leaves. We should reach school by 7:30pm latest. Please inform your parents. Attire is Full Uniform. So for those with uniform problem, you must go down to HTA on Monday 21 May. Only cadets in Full Uniform are allowed to shoot. Marksmanship Shoot is a compulsory activity. If you are not feeling well, YOU MUST SEE A DOCTOR AND GET A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR 22 MAY!!!
SCAS Painting Information

Overall Leader/ Artist
- To oversee the progress of the 3 groups of individuals
- To check for mistakes and coordinate styles of the 3 groups
Group Leaders
- To receive and ClEaRlY follow instructions from Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2)
- To convey and EnSuRe that team members are proficient in their assigned tasks
- To report performance of the day
Group Members
- To StRiCtLy follow all tasks given by their leaders and the artist
- To give constructive comments about the project during the project itself OnLy
List of Equipment
1. Newspaper (Lots of it!!)
- Always bring more than enough
- Tape all newspapers down with masking take of plastic tape
- Always dispose of Used newspapers at the end of the day
2. Painting Equipment (Rollers, paintbrushes, paint containers for rollers etc.)
- Of Good condition and quality so not as to disrupt painting time
- Wash painting equipment before using a paint of a different colour
- Bring Containers for water
- Do NOT paint anything but wall
3. White Paint
- Sufficient (at least 2 large buckets of paint the size of those found at the D.I.Y. Shop or any volume similar)
- Paint EVENLY on the wall (use as little of paint as possible to paint and not too much paint at a time)
- Used ONLY for correction by Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2) after the White-Wash
- Never waste paint
4. Coloured Paints
- Use sparingly (in scarse amounts)
- Paint EVENLY on wall
- FOLLOW Colour Coding on walls
- Never waste paint
5. Rags/ Cloths
- Each person to bring AT LEAST 1
- Everyone to participate in cleaning up at the end of the day
Procedure of painting
1. Clear ALL obstacles
2. Lie and tape ALL areas of painting with newspaper and tape
- 2 layers MINIMUM
3a. White-Wash (paint background White)
- Tools: Rollers (2 to 3 per group)
Paintbrushes (2 to 3 per group)
- Sizes: Averagely Large
- White Paint (2 buckets)
- Size: bigger than what we had for banner painting last year
3b. (i) Preparation of sketches and proportion (Artist)
- Tools: Measuring equipment (Rulers etc.)
Yellow dustless chalk (or of any light colour)
(ii) Actual Sketching (Occuring) (Groups)
- Discussion of what colours to use
- Distribution of work
- Preparation of colouring equipment and paint (ONLY if time permits)
4. Painting
- Paint EVENLY on the walls
- Stick within the borders drawn on the wall
- Artist to redraw worn sketches occasionally
5. Finish
- Touch up and correction of mistakes
- Use cloths and rags to clean the room
- Discuss about next step (always last!)
- To oversee the progress of the 3 groups of individuals
- To check for mistakes and coordinate styles of the 3 groups
Group Leaders
- To receive and ClEaRlY follow instructions from Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2)
- To convey and EnSuRe that team members are proficient in their assigned tasks
- To report performance of the day
Group Members
- To StRiCtLy follow all tasks given by their leaders and the artist
- To give constructive comments about the project during the project itself OnLy
List of Equipment
1. Newspaper (Lots of it!!)
- Always bring more than enough
- Tape all newspapers down with masking take of plastic tape
- Always dispose of Used newspapers at the end of the day
2. Painting Equipment (Rollers, paintbrushes, paint containers for rollers etc.)
- Of Good condition and quality so not as to disrupt painting time
- Wash painting equipment before using a paint of a different colour
- Bring Containers for water
- Do NOT paint anything but wall
3. White Paint
- Sufficient (at least 2 large buckets of paint the size of those found at the D.I.Y. Shop or any volume similar)
- Paint EVENLY on the wall (use as little of paint as possible to paint and not too much paint at a time)
- Used ONLY for correction by Artist (1)/ Overall Leader (2) after the White-Wash
- Never waste paint
4. Coloured Paints
- Use sparingly (in scarse amounts)
- Paint EVENLY on wall
- FOLLOW Colour Coding on walls
- Never waste paint
5. Rags/ Cloths
- Each person to bring AT LEAST 1
- Everyone to participate in cleaning up at the end of the day
Procedure of painting
1. Clear ALL obstacles
2. Lie and tape ALL areas of painting with newspaper and tape
- 2 layers MINIMUM
3a. White-Wash (paint background White)
- Tools: Rollers (2 to 3 per group)
Paintbrushes (2 to 3 per group)
- Sizes: Averagely Large
- White Paint (2 buckets)
- Size: bigger than what we had for banner painting last year
3b. (i) Preparation of sketches and proportion (Artist)
- Tools: Measuring equipment (Rulers etc.)
Yellow dustless chalk (or of any light colour)
(ii) Actual Sketching (Occuring) (Groups)
- Discussion of what colours to use
- Distribution of work
- Preparation of colouring equipment and paint (ONLY if time permits)
4. Painting
- Paint EVENLY on the walls
- Stick within the borders drawn on the wall
- Artist to redraw worn sketches occasionally
5. Finish
- Touch up and correction of mistakes
- Use cloths and rags to clean the room
- Discuss about next step (always last!)
21 May Trip to HTA for Uniform Problems Cadets
21 May Monday, a bus will arrive at VS at 2pm to bring us to HTA. We should reach school at 5pm. All those with uniform problems must inform Abbas by Thursday and Abbas must report to me on Friday. ONLY THOSE WITH PROBLEMS WITH THEIR UNIFORMS MUST GO DOWN TO HTA ON MONDAY.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Parade 18 May 2007
Please note that there will be a parade this friday (18/5/07) and all of you are required to bring your full NPCC uniform. The schedule will be posted later when its out
Thursday, May 10, 2007
1* Kayaking Course
Date: 19-20 May 2007
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Venue: People's Association Changi Sea Sports Club
Address: 285 Nicoll Drive Changi Point Singapore 498988
Contact: DID: 65451140 FAX: 65458897
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Venue: People's Association Changi Sea Sports Club
Address: 285 Nicoll Drive Changi Point Singapore 498988
Contact: DID: 65451140 FAX: 65458897
1. Wear NPCC Unit T-shirt & school PE shorts for Kayaking
2. Dry set of clothes to change into at the end of the day
3. Towel & toiletries for shower
4. Sandals/shoes for kayaking; dry set of footwear to change into
5. 1.5l water-bottle
Travel Arrangement:
1. Meet at Pasir Ris MRT Station Control at 0830 on 19th and 20th May.
2. If your parents are sending to there, be at Changi Sea Sports Club by 0915.
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